Table of Contents:

   2 NEW TITLES on GILLES DELEUZE                                                  
     "Rowan Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                     

   La revue Multitudes ouvre son nouveau site                                      
     "emmanuel.videcoq" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                

   Winter Streams feature I                                                        
     "MediaCentre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                        

   *candyfactory projects                                                          
     KOGO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                                       

   >I - Highway< - Netart from Canada                                              
     "JavaMuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                         

   Frontera Sur Video Sampler                                                      
     Ursula Biemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                             

   OPTICAL TRAPS                                                                   
     namak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                                       

   Buddhist Boards 2                                                               
     Charles Carreon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                            

   [Psrf] Photostatic Retrograde Archive, no. 34                                   
     Lloyd Dunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                                    

   book announcement--Wardrip                                                      
     David Weininger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                               

   [zeroglab] CASA BLANCA (WHITE HOUSE)  - 2:03 27-3-2003                          
     "=?iso-8859-1?B?S+Fyb2x5IFTzdGg=?=" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                           

     Lewis LaCook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                                


Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 12:41:58 -0000
From: "Rowan Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> An Introduction to the Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze
> Edited by Jean Khalfa
> Gilles Deleuze has been labelled as the "post-x" thinker: post-structuralist, 
> post-modern, post-spinozist, post-nietzschean, and even post-utopian. An 
> Introduction to the Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze explodes such categorizations and 
> places Deleuze and Deleuzian method at the heart of contemporary thought
> Whether analysing the work of key philosophers, or key concepts such as time, 
> difference and subjectivity, or the nature of creation (film, painting, literature), 
> Deleuze's concern is always the same. From under the layers of history, criticism 
> and interpretation, he aims to reveal the problem itself in its own life, as it 
> develops in a particular thought or activity. 
> This book focuses on the key processes and concepts essential to the understanding 
> of the totality of the work, setting these within their intellectual background and 
> context. The book will be welcomed by students across the Humanities and Social 
> Sciences as a guide to the work of this most vital and contemporary of theorists. 
> Contributors include: Giorgio Agamben, Mary Bryden, Gilles Deleuze, Jean Khalfa, 
> Claude Imbert, Alain Ménil, Bento Prado, Juliette Simont, Ronald Bogue, Jonathan 
> Philippe
> Introduction
> Part 1 Philosophy
> 1. The plane of Immanence and life
> 2. Intensity, Or: The "Encounter"
> 3. Nietzsche and Spinoza: new personae in a new plane of thought
> 4. An impersonal consciousness
> Part 2 Art
> 5. The time(s) of the cinema
> 6. Deleuze and Anglo-American literature: water, whales, and melville
> 7. Minority, territory, music
> 8. Empiricism unhinged: from logic of sense to logic of sensation
> Part 3 Life
> 9. Absolute immanence
> 10. Immanence: a life...
> Bibliography
> Index
> 224pp / March 2003
> HB 0 8264 5995 1 £60.00
> PB 0 8264 5996 X £16.99
> Between Deleuze and Derrida
> Edited by Paul Patton and John Protevi
> Between Deleuze and Derrida is the first book to explore the philosophical 
> relationship between two of the most influential and revolutionary thinkers of our 
> time. 
> Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Derrida are the two leading philosophers of French 
> post-structuralism. Their work on 'philosophies of difference' has 
> redrawn the map of Literary Studies, Philosophy, Cultural and Film Studies, Science 
> Studies, as well as ethics and feminist, postcolonial and political theory. 
> Both theorists have been widely studied but very little has been done to examine the 
> relation between them. Between Deleuze and Derrida explores and compares their work 
> via a number of key themes, including the philosophy of difference, language, 
> memory, time, event, and love, as well as relating these themes to their respective 
> approaches to Philosophy, Literature Politics and Mathematics. 
> Contributors: Eric Alliez, Branka Arsic, Gregg Lambert, Leonard Lawlor, Alphonso 
> Lingis, Tamsin Lorraine, Jeff Nealon, Paul Patton, Arkady 
> Plotnitsky, John Protevi, Daniel W. Smith
> Introduction
> 1. Future Politics
> 2. Living a time out of joint
> 3. Deleuze and Derrida, Immanence and Transcendence: two directions in recent French 
> thought
> 4. The beginnings  of thought: the fundamental experience in Derrida and Deleuze
> 5. Ontology and Logography: the pharmacy, plato and the simulacrum
> 6. Algebras, Geometries, and Topologies of the Fold: Deleuze, Derrida and 
> Quasi-Mathematical Thinking (with Leibniz and Mallarme)
> 7. The Philosopher and the Writer: a question of style
> 8. Active habits and passive events or bartleby
> 9. Beyond Hermeneutics: Deleuze, Derrida and contemporary theory
> 10. Language and persecution
> 11. Love
> Bibliography
> Index
> 224pp / March 2003
> HB 0 8264 5972 2 £55.00
> PB 0 8264 5973 0 £16.99
> Available in good bookshops, or please order from the address below.> 
> Postage and packing: In UK, please add £3.95 for orders up to £20.00 in value; £7.50 
> for orders between £20.00 and £50.00.  UK orders over £50.00 please add £9.50.  
> Elsewhere, please add 20% of order value for surface mail (minimum charge £6.00).  
> Airmail rates on application to Customer Services, Telephone +44 (0)1202 665432/Fax: 
> 01202 666219. Prices and availability not necessarily applicable in North America.  
> For North American ordering information, please call Continuum at 212-953-5858 and 
> ask for Marketing.
> Rowan Wilson
> Marketing Executive
> Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
> The Tower Building
> 11 York Road
> London SE1 7NX
> Phone: 020 7922 0909
> Fax: 020 7928 7894
> The Continuum Philosophy catalogue 2003 is available imminently. Please contact 
> above for your copy.


Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 17:39:02 +0100
From: "emmanuel.videcoq" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: La revue Multitudes ouvre son nouveau site

La revue Multitudes met l'ensemble de ses archives en ligne, sur son nouveau

Que vous soyez déjà lecteurs de la revue Multitudes ou non, ce site va vous

MULTITUDES WEB, c'est trois ans d'archives de la revue politique et
culturelle Multitudes, avec des textes qui ont fait date sur la
biopolitique, Spinoza, la nouvelle économie, le logiciel libre, Internet, le
copyright, les luttes et les mouvements sociaux, l'Europe, le revenu
garanti, l'art contemporain, la philosophie politique, Gabriel Tarde, les
hackers, le capitalisme cognitif, la guerre, le cinéma, les féminismes...
* Les numéros en ligne : l'accès à presque tous les articles publiés
jusqu'ici, précédés de leurs résumés pour en faciliter la lisibilité : une
boîte à outils théoriques au coeur des antagonismes de la mondialisation.
* Une extension électronique de la revue papier : versions originales et
traductions des textes publiés (textes en anglais, italien, espagnol,...),
textes inédits, versions longues, débats préparatoires.
* Un index des auteurs avec de courtes biographies. Vous pourrez communiquer
avec les auteurs par e-mail grâce à un système qui permet de préserver le
caractère privé de leurs adresses.
* Les sommaires des prochains numéros.
* Les archives de la revue Futur Antérieur : Multitudes est née du désir de
reconduire une communauté de pensée qui s'était constituée autour de la
revue Futur Antérieur, créée par J-M Vincent et Toni Negri. Le Web
Multitudes mettra peu à peu à votre disposition les archives de cette revue
qui avait permis de respirer un peu dans l'atmosphère étouffante des années

MULTITUDES WEB, c'est aussi des infos et des liens:
* la fiche d'identité de la revue, ses éditeurs et son comité de rédaction
* des renseignements pratiques pour se procurer la revue et s'abonner.
* l'association Multitudes : ses débats et ses initiatives.
* des liens privilégiés vers nos sites préférés du Web, sites militants et
théoriciens, sites de collectifs ayant écrit dans la revue...

Grâce à une navigation fonctionnelle, développée sous SPIP, vous pourrez :
- - tracer votre chemin au coeur de la revue en utilisant le moteur de
recherche interne,
- - parcourir les archives de la revue auteur par auteur, rubrique par
rubrique, en attendant l'arrivée prochaine d'un accès par mots-clés,
- - communiquer avec les auteurs.


Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 11:50:28 +0100
From: "MediaCentre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Winter Streams feature I

Cinematheque at MediaCentre
Le Musee di-visioniste

is currently showcasing "WINTER STREAMS",
streaming video works.

This is the first feature within a series
focussing on indiviual artists presented in this show
and starting with

Anette Weintraub (USA)
Michael Szpakowski (UK)
Elia Alba (Dominican-American)

all works can be accessed via
Cinematheque site

*Artist: Anette Weintraub
*Work title: The Mirror That Changes
*About the work: The Mirror That Changes is a Web-based project that
explores problems of water scarcity and sustainability, bridging personal
use and environmental impact. The Mirror That Changes uses the visual and
aural qualities of moving water to create a languorous atmosphere in which
overtly romantic and lyrical representations of water contrast with
narratives introducing issues of scarcity, purity and equity. Commonplace
uses of water (washing clothes, bathing, cooking) find their parallel in the
wider forces of nature (rain, ice and flood). This project is a meditation
on the use of water and its limits. It draws attention to the connection
between personal acts and global consequences through pairings of water in
domestic use and natural ecology, interweaving fragments of fictional
narrative and  fact.
The Mirror That Changes was commissioned by The Ruschlikon Centre for Global
*About the artist:
Annette Weintraub is a media artist whose projects embed layered narratives
within architectural metaphors. Her work is an investigation of architecture
as visual language, and the symbolism of space. Her work has been presented
at The 5th Biennial of Media and Architecture in Graz Austria, The Whitney
Biennial 2000, The International Center for Photography/ICP, The
International Film Festival Rotterdam, Thirteen/WNET TV's Reel New York.Web
and in numerous other national and international exhibitions.

*Artist: Michael Szpakowski
*Work title: An Enemy of the People
*About the work: The work confronts the visitor with the darkest times of
persecution, imprisonment and banishment.
'An Enemy of the People' is a kind of based on interviews
with Lukasz Szpakowski, a survivor of Stalin's Gulag.

*About the artist:
Michael Szpakowski is a UK based composer, educator and new media artist.


*Artist: Elia Alba
*Work title: Breathe/Blow
*About the work: This is a single channel video with a running time of
2:19 minutes In the video the heads ³appear² as if they are breathing and
blowing air.  I present the idea of breathing as symbolically empowering and
the idea of blowing as symbolically having the capability to change the
course of things. Yet the dolls used, that fact that they ³appear²
motionless and the breathing patterns contradict these statements.
Presenting these contradictory situations exposes the vulnerability of that
particular subject.

*About the artist:
Elia Alba was born in New York City.  She received her Bachelor of
Arts from Hunter College in 1994 where she graduated magna cum laude in
Philosophy and Literature.  She is also a fellow of the Whitney Museum
Independent Study Program.  She has participated in various national and
international exhibitions, including, Flip, Funk & Fantasy, Studio Museum in
Harlem; Heat up, at the Fukuyama Museum of Art in Hiroshima, Japan, Arte
Iberoamericano: Fin de Siglo. Her awards have included the
Artists-in-Residence Fellowship from the Studio Museum in Harlem, the
Whitney Museum Van Lier Foundation Fellowship, the New York Foundation for
the Arts Grant and she was recently awarded a Joan Mitchell Foundation
all works can be accessed via
Cinematheque site

Cinematheque at MediaCentre
Le Musee di-visioniste

Cinematheque is designed and optimized for
DSL Internet connection
fast computer Pentium III 800 Mhz or better
or comparable MAC
VGA resolution 1024x768
following players/plug-ins are required
Flash6, Quicktime, Real, Shockwave


Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 10:29:05 +0900
Subject: *candyfactory projects

*candyfactory project presents
- ----------------------------------------------

Kanebo Hofu factory is one of largest and eldest nylon fiber mills
and is situated in Hofu, Yamaguchi Japan founded in 1935 includes several
different factories, workers housing, apartments for bachelors and had
collective apartments for accommodating unmarried young women at the factory
site which also included a school and a hospital.
Now most of these facilities are in a state of delipidation and the company
is trying to cut back on these unutilized spaces.

New factory workers houses were rebuilt after the original houses were
damaged by a typhoon in 1989 and were financed through the insurance payout.

This project has been shown through *candy factory projects @ YAMAGUCHI
PRFECTUAL MUSEUM JAPAN organized by A.I.A.V 2002
Mike Bode , Tetsu Takagi, Takuji KOGO, Takeo Yamaguchi

- ----------------------------------------------


Addo's holiday camp RE_MIX

The Addo Factory was established at the beginning of the 20th Century and
became one of Europe's leading producers of mechanical counting machines
folded in the late 70's
The holiday camp existed between 1944 and 1998 in KÄMPINGE Scania southern
Sweden.  Now it is in the process of being demolished.

The watchman's hut from the holiday camp is relocated into the museum
through the project  "The redistribution of surplus/ Addo's holiday camp "
by Mike Bode & Staffan Schmidt
@ Goteborgs Konsthall, Sweden 20 Mars- 21 April

Also online here @
in collaboration with candy factory project.


*candyfactory projects
  Takuji KOGO


*candy factory

..PUBLIC MUSIC/ *candy factory


Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 07:26:22 +0100
From: "JavaMuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: >I - Highway< - Netart from Canada

>I - Highway< - Netart from Canada

 - new show on -

JavaMuseum -
Forum for Internet Technologies in Contemporary Art
(JAVA= Joint Advanced Virtual Affairs)
- --------------------------------------

is happy to launch
>I - Highway< - Netart from Canada -
the new show
in the framework of  - 2nd of Java series 2002/2003.

Much more than any other art expression is net based art playing global.
This new feature on JavaMuseum is focussing again on a geographical, but
also cultural region: Canada!. A number of Canadian netartists are
internationally well known, but they are not identified with the nation they
belong to or live in, in so far is netart from Canada widely unknown, and
only this aspect would be already a reason for making this feature. Netart
from Canada is, however, not principally different from netart of other
regions on the globe as the codes, software and hardware correspond to the
global standard, the subjects and themes are mostly of global relevance.
This focus means also taking a look on what kind of position New Media art
has in this country. The link section of the feature has a reasonable volume
and confirms the impression that New Media art in general, but also net
based art working becomes increasingly relevant. A connected encouraging
effect of this feature would be intentional.

As an ongoing project, the show is based on an open call in Internet.
It will accept also in future at any
time submissions of new artists which are not yet presented in the
exhibition, in order to stay always most updated.

Currently following 22 artists form the basis of the show:

Michael Alstad, saibot & ssiess, Isabel Hayeur
 Babel, David Clark, Myron Turner, Robert Kendall
 Gustave Morin, Karen Ostrom, Gregory Chatonsky
 Barry Smylie, Kate Armstrong, Alison Chung-Yan
 Marc Tuters, Tara Bethune-Leamen, Richard Barbeau
 Jillian McDonald, Kelty McKinnon, Tomasz Konart
 Guerrera del Interfaz, Katie Bush, Oliver Dyens

Visit the new show >I - Highway<  - Netart from Canada

realized and curated by Agricola de Cologne.
Copyright © 2003. All rights reserved.
technical requirements
optimized for VGA resolution 1024x768
PC Pentium III 600 Mhz or better or comparable MAC
Soundcard, recommended 56K or 64K modem or faster,
browsers: MS Internet Explorer 5.5+ or Netscape Navigator 6.0+
Players/Plug-ins: essential the latest Flash 6,, Shockwave, Real Player,
Forum for Internet Technologies in Contemporary Art
(JAVA= Joint Advanced Virtual Affairs)


Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 10:34:07 +0100
From: Ursula Biemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Frontera Sur Video Sampler

This is to announce the release of the 2003

Frontera Sur Video Sampler

video 01 Frontera Sur: Alex Muñoz/Helena Maleno/Victor Rins, 13'
video 02 Estrecho Adventure: Valeriano Lopez, 6'
video 03 Europlex: Ursula Biemann/Angela Sanders, 20'
video 04 Transmitting no1-3: Regula Burri, 7'50"

Frontera Sur RRVT
Europe's Southern Border in Real Remote and Virtual Time
a collaborative project

Border geographies spatialize processes of extreme compression on all 
levels. The funneling functions of actual border stations intended to 
regulate the flow of people are only the visible points of 
convergence for relationship strands that are spread over a region or 
link up continents. At these bottlenecks, the hindrances of a mobile 
world have to get by without embellishing words. These are sobering 
sights. Until recently, Málaga and Almería did not see themselves as 
borders; nowadays, the whole of Spain's southern coastline has to 
uphold the country's European identity, however this is formulated. 
The simplest form is still, as ever, exclusion. Europe defines itself 
by its outermost edge.

The two Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, situated on Moroccan 
territory, form an exception to the borderline, which otherwise 
faithfully follows the coastlines of the two continents. They are 
wefts in an already complex fabric, last remnants of the colonial 
occupation of North Africa. With the heavy financial grants that the 
EU gives to the disadvantaged southern regions of Europe, the Spanish 
administration there is building fortresses in the form of shopping 
precincts and elegant beach arcades as signs of Europe's wealth, and 
also as a way of setting the enclaves apart from the neighboring 
Moroccan towns. Borders take on a number of architectural forms.

The project concentrates rather on the differing ways in which the 
specific area of the Strait of Gibraltar and the regions bordering on 
it are used, as well as on the varied need for mobility. This area is 
given its cultural meaning only by being crossed: by the routes of 
container ships from West Africa on their way to the Mediterranean, 
the perilous nocturnal boat voyages undertaken by illegal migrants, 
the helicopter patrols keeping watch, by the lines of the radar 
pictures, the itinerant plantation workers who pick vegetables for 
the EU market, the commuting housemaids, the "domesticas," who go to 
work for the señoras in Andalusia, the seasonal movement of the 
Spanish teachers in the enclaves, the patrols of the border guards 
along the mountain paths, the bus trips of the Moroccan women who 
peel imported shrimps for Dutch companies in Tangier, the pirates who 
buy articles imported from China in Spain, and the women smugglers 
who tie them up under their skirts and carry them into the "medina." 
This is the mobility that Frontera Sur RRVT is concerned with, the 
everyday mobility lived out on a local level. It produces 
micro-geographies that are deeply intermeshed with one another and at 
the same time reflect global dimensions. The drastic transformations 
to which El Ejido has been subjected in the past few years show what 
effects European structures can have on a specific location and how 
they can fundamentally change interpersonal relations, even with 
regard to gender and descent. These social transmutations are 
materially inscribed on the landscape in the form of new buildings, 
extensive restructuring, decisions regarding the layout of public 
highways, and in improvised housing developments.

The various works in the Frontera Sur RRVT project are not about a 
fixation on the divisive borderline. Rather, they explore the spaces 
that are constituted through undercover and illegal forms of action, 
cultural communications networks, and different technologies of 
crossing, and that depend on connective relationships or at least 
allow a certain degree of permeability.

Frontera Sur RRVT is presently on exhibition at Generali Foundation, Vienna
until April 27, 2003
Europlex and Frontera Sur will be shown at OVNI, Barcelona, May 30, 2003
Europlex will also be screened at:
Muestra internacional de cine, Zaragoza, March 2003
Femme Totale, Dortmund, April 2-4, 2003
Platoniq, Hangar Barcelona, May 16-24, 2003
Printemps en Semptember Festival, Toulouse, 26 September, 2003

- -- 


Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 15:33:19 +0100
From: namak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- -- 


Anna Barseghian Stefan Kristensen

Quai Capo d'Istria 9

1205 Genève


Tel/fax+41 22 320 98 30

Tel/Mb+41 76 329 28 30 <>



Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 18:15:59 -0700
From: Charles Carreon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Buddhist Boards 2

Buddhist Boards 2, The Board That Will Not Die

In This Issue:

- - Creator Kills Creation From Frustration
- - Buddhist Boards 2
- - Whither American Buddhism?
- - Antiwar Buddhists Actually Can Post
- - Engaged Buddhists Slam It Into Gear
- - Just Post Here

Creator Kills Creation From Frustration
Well it happened again!  Bernardo Aragon, erstwhile proprietor of, turned off the domain name.  Nothing there but a
404 Not Found.  Another Buddhist bulletin board has collapsed under
the burden of trying to monitor the fractious tendencies of the
unruly American Buddhist flock.  That makes at least three: 
Tricycle and Zen Forum being the first two.  Like the Record
Industry Association of American, these three Buddhist bulletin
boards reflected a twisted agenda:  They hated their best customers!
 Cyberkarma is quick indeed!

Click here for the dead link to

Buddhist Boards 2
As The Grateful Dead said, "one man gathers what another man
spills," and in this case, it's a woman who welcomes you with open
arms to a new homeland for outspoken Buddhist posting.  Whether
you're new to Buddhism, or think you know it all, or both, you're
welcome to air your wildest thoughts at Buddhist Boards 2.  All past
hatchets will be buried here!

Buddhist Boards 2 will not be about anyone's agenda!  This is an
offering of bandwidth, pure and simple, to create a public forum so
the blessings of free speechcan flourish.  The forums are barely
begun, bare as a baby's butt in most cases, because they are for YOU
to begin.  There will be NO censorship, and NO fear that anyone will
suffer terrible consequences from "divisive speech."

If you want a forum created just for you, drop the Administratrix a
private message, and she will create it for you.  (She is eagerly
awaiting requests!)  One forum per individual, and create as many
threads in there as you like.  No one will be banned unless they
undertake acts that make the board unusable for others

Come Visit and See All the Space

Whither American Buddhism?
Many people interested in practicing Buddhism wonder whether they
should go for traditional nationally-tinged Buddhism as offered by
the Tibetans, the Chinese, the Koreans, and other Asian sects. 
Alternatively, they might look into traditional-lite type sects, of
the Surya Das flavor.  Or they could  become "more traditional than
thou," like the people, aping a tradition with a zeal
that shocks the originators.  Finally, they might just try to go
full-bore intuitional, jettisonning the books and teachings, making
a mad dash for the Bodhi tree with their hair on fire.  God knows,
we've seen it all from our vantage point.  But let's get it all down
in bits and bytes.  Board's open, so c'mon down and tell us where it
hurts -- that's what Buddhism's all about, right?  Right ...

The Thread of A Thousand Replies Starts With A Single Post

Antiwar Buddhists Actually Can Post
Buddhists may not know much, since they usually interpret their path
to prescribe a sort of radical tune-out of stimulus, but they should
know that the Buddha said not to kill. While many Buddhists seemed
to forget this after 9/11, eventually, their consciences returned.
Some have even turned off Terror-TV, reclaiming their right to think
without a siren blaring. So perhaps we can speak here now,
significantly, of cabbages and kings.

Click Here to Speak of Cabbages and Kings

Engaged Buddhists Slam It Into Gear
The paranoia inherent in the concept of "engaged Buddhism" comes
from the idea that most Buddhists want to not engage, because that
would hinder their achievement of Nirvana.  This view, fomented by
people who probably would be called "dull-witted" by the Sixth Ch'an
Patriarch, makes engaged Buddhists feel like they are doing
"something special," taking Buddhism "to the next level."  Believe
that, and you'll stay in first gear forever.

Click here to quite possibly be annoyed

Just Post Here
Zen is a simple philosophy.  That's why nobody understands it.  But
at least the Japanese have the decency to admit that they have
mostly lost interest in it, rather than pretending that they care. 
That makes it possible for American students to run Zen centers
without competing for jobs with Japanese people.  The Japanese know
there's more to be made selling cars.  But that doesn't bother the
Americans, whose parents made and sold lots of cars.  (That's what
you call "getting beyond it.")  But even if you get beyond it, you
still want to post.  You want to post badly.  So just post here.

Post, Already

This email was sent to you because you left your email lying around
somewhere it could be found under circumstances that led me to
believe you might be interested in a little Internet tomfoolery.  If
you were not amused, unsubscribe!  If you were amused, dandy!  

Update your profile here:

Unsubscribe here:

Delivered by Topica Email Publisher,


Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 14:31:08 +0100
From: Lloyd Dunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Psrf] Photostatic Retrograde Archive, no. 34

#  If you no longer wish to recieve e-mail announcements from the
#  Photostatic Retrograde Archive, simply let us know and we will remove
#  your name from the mailing list.
#  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

now available for download, retrograde release no. 17, april 2003:

PhotoStatic 34


direct download: (5.7 Mb)

Description. "Detournement Issue."  This issue explores the technique 
of detournement, where radical content  is wed with mundane form. The 
idea (as espoused by Debord and others) was to bring truth to the 
masses in a manner that they would be willing to give attention to. 
This collection of works by turns hews closely, and veers wide of, 
the mark. And in so doing, it reflects the range of contributors and 
mindsets that the Photostatic project had amassed by this point, some 
six years into the series. Lang Thompson 's "funnies" hit some key 
notes for the issue. An early appearance of the concept of the 
"information virus" makes an appearance in the guise of a call for 
works put out by Jonathan Prince. In addition, the "Art Strike 
1990-1993" meme, so ably spread by Stewart Home and others, also 
makes a prominent appearance.  Thad Metz loaned us a collection of 
detourned adverts by anonymous creators, which appear in several 
places in the issue, and some fine moments appear in the form of 
works by Dadata, Joel Score, Paul Weinberg, John Stickney, and 
others. The usual inclusion of columns by Miekal And, Brad Goins, 
Thomas Wiloch, and others; and reviews of audio and print works, 
complete the selection.

Contributors include. Joel Score, Ralph Johnson, Lang Thompson, Janet 
Janet, Infomeme Labs, Inc., Thad Metz, Bill DiMichele, The Pleasure 
Tendency, Dadata, Tim Coats, Thom Metzger, Pascal Uni, Mick Mather, 
Serse Luigetti, Musicmaster, Miekal And, Bob Grumman, John Heck, Alte 
Kinder, John Stickney, The Tape-beatles, Brad Goins, Jay Niemann, Jim 
Passin, Chris J. Mitchell, Neil K Henderson, Thomas Wiloch, Ge[of 
Huth], Arturo Giuseppe Fallico, Crag Hill, and David Powell.

Project Overview: The Photostatic Retrograde Archive serves as an 
electronic repository for a complete collection of PhotoStatic 
Magazine, PhonoStatic Cassettes, Retrofuturism, and Psrf, (as well as 
related titles). Issues are posted as PDF files, at more or less 
regular intervals, in reverse chronological order to form a 
chronological mirror image of the original series. When the first 
issue, dating from 1983, is finally posted in several year's time, 
then this electronic archive will be complete.

issue directory:

project URL:

- --

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Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 10:28:15 -0500
From: David Weininger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: book announcement--Wardrip

I thought readers of the NETTIME-L might be interested in this book.  For more 
information, please visit  Thank you!


The New Media Reader
edited by Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Nick Montfort

The new media field has been developing for more than 50 years. This reader collects 
the texts, videos, and computer programs-many of them now almost impossible to 
find-that chronicle the history and form the foundation of this still-emerging field. 
General introductions by Janet H. Murray (author of *Hamlet on the Holodeck*) and Lev 
Manovich (author of *The Language of New Media*), along with short introductions to 
each of the selections, place the works in their historical context and explain their 

The texts are from computer scientists, artists, architects, literary writers, 
interface designers, cultural critics, and individuals working across disciplines. 
They were originally published between World War II (when digital computing, 
cybernetic feedback, and early notions of hypertext and the Internet first appeared) 
and the emergence of the World Wide Web (when these concepts entered the mainstream of 
public life).

The contributors include (chronologically) Jorge Luis Borges, Vannevar Bush, Alan 
Turing, Ivan Sutherland, William S. Burroughs, Ted Nelson, Italo Calvino, Marshall 
McLuhan, Billy Klüver, Jean Baudrillard, Nicholas Negroponte, Alan Kay, Bill Viola, 
Sherry Turkle, Richard Stallman, Brenda Laurel, Langdon Winner, Robert Coover, and Tim 
Berners-Lee. The CD accompanying the book contains examples of early games, digital 
art, independent literary efforts, software created at universities, and home-computer 
commercial software. Also on the CD is digitized video, documenting new media programs 
and artwork for which no operational version exists. One example is a video record of 
Douglas Engelbart's first presentation of the mouse, word processor, hyperlink, 
computer-supported cooperative work, video conferencing, and the dividing up of the 
screen we now call non-overlapping windows; another is documentation of Lynn 
Hershman's Lorna, the first interactive video art installation.

Noah Wardrip-Fruin is a creative writing fellow at Brown University and coeditor of 
First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game, forthcoming from MIT Press. 
Nick Montfort is a PhD student in computer and information science at the University 
of Pennsylvania and author of Twisty Little Passages, also forthcoming from MIT Press.

"Here for the first time within a single volume we can trace the cultural helix, the 
echoing and opposing strands that form the DNA for cyberspace itself."
- --from the introduction by Janet H. Murray, author of Hamlet on the Holodeck

8 x 9, 824 pp., 551 illus., cloth and CD-ROM, ISBN 0-262-23227-8

Also, see the book's dedicated website at

David Weininger
Associate Publicist
The MIT Press
5 Cambridge Center, 4th Floor
Cambridge, MA  02142
617 253 2079
617 253 1709 fax


Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 02:18:35 +0100
From: "=?iso-8859-1?B?S+Fyb2x5IFTzdGg=?=" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [zeroglab] CASA BLANCA (WHITE HOUSE)  - 2:03 27-3-2003

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2:03 27-3-2003


copyleft by karoly toth 2003

enyoy & abuse

- -k

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Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 20:07:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Lewis LaCook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd:

- --0-817479543-1048738058=:21422
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and this. from. marcGarrett. of further.field!
 furtherfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:From: "furtherfield" 
To: "lewis lacook" 
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 02:51:28 -0000 
NEW! Light Has No Tongue: 
ARCADIA: long poem serialized in the muse apprentice guild: 

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