This seems to be one attempt at answering the 'whose truth ?' problem
revealed by [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s  editing of the JHU entry.

[Found on the Many2Many weblog. Which itself appears to be not many to many,
but 3 or 4 'Social Software' boosters to anyone who'll listen and give them
a consultancy or a speaking fee. Cal'Ideo. dead-enders holding out in their
virtual Fallujah.]

October 04, 2003 Another stab at communal editing (posted by Clay Shirky)
Ian Clarke, of freenet fame, has lauched, a Web-based tool for
creating communal documents. 3D17 isn't a wiki. Though most of the documents
up now are tests, it's already clear that 3D17 differs from wiki logic in 3

+ requires login (though some wikis have added this function through the web

+ revisions are only proposed by subsequent users, preserving a formal
distinction between authorship and emendation

+ revisions are only made to the original after a vote, and only the top
voted revision in any group of proposed revisions is   accepted

+ Its too early to tell anything from adoption or use patterns, but it will
be worth watching.

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