indeed evrybody hope this would not mean that old europe would want to
affimr its 'identitity' in wanting to open its own special guantanamo &
federal police nor to say it's aznar that put the bomb, after all he just
share the lie habits of its mentor bush, aznar know he censored the will &
the desire of the spanish people when bush has achieved to really make to
believe to american irak war was in the first priorities in the
antiterrorist counterprotocol.
i remember one thing after 11 sept, those so many american posts about the
fact it was time to make peace beetween israel & palestine, there is the
first evident step, the priority among all & i believe it's, & was, american
& european reach, and even their people could understand et would be
prepared they could have some own dead for that first 'war aim'..but hey i
say just what vrybody know for so so so long time, but i suppose it's cause
it's too protological

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 5:19 PM
Subject: <nettime> The 201st Victim?

> I have been resisting starting anything on nettime about the aftermath
> of 11M but this story has been buried by the media as far as I can tell.
> Spanish police officer kills member of "Gurasoak" association in Iruņea
> Iruņea-born Angel Berroeta was killed in his bakery; the police officer
> was arrested, as was his son
> Asier Azpilikueta - IRUŅEA (Pamplona)
> 61-year-old Angel Berroeta-Legaz from Iruņea was killed at midday
> yesterday by a member of the Spanish Police in the bakery belonging to
> the former located in the Donibane (San Juan) quarter of Iruņea. The
> police officer was off duty and stabbed and shot Berroeta several times
> after a heated argument. It was alleged to have been a political
> argument (Berroeta was a member of the Gurasoak
> <> association). The
> police officer who fired the shots was arrested and so was his son, who
> was thought to have taken part in the argument.
> Angel Berroeta's bakery is at 18, Martin Azpilkueta street in the
> Donibane quarter and the police officer lives next door in flat "C" on
> the first floor. According to neighbours, at about 13.30 hours the
> policeman's wife had had a heated argument with Berroeta about a poster
> saying / ETA, ez / (No to ETA); the neighbours were eager to stress that
> the woman did not go to that bakery to get bread, "as she always goes to
> buy bread at the bakery opposite".
> The woman appears to have requested or demanded that Berroeta put a
> poster in his shop window, but the latter refused. And that was how the
> fatal argument began. After that the versions given by the neighbours
> differ somewhat. Some say the police officer was outside and others that
> he was in the flat. Whichever the case, the woman called the police
> officer and he went into the bakery and shot and stabbed Berroeta
> several times.
> The police officer and the woman left the bakery and went to their flat.
> According to a witness in the same block of flats the woman said, "It
> was my fault, it was my fault."
> see also:
> The Sydney Morning Herald, on eof the very few non Basque news outlets
> to run this story said that
> "Imprisoned members of ETA were assaulted immediately after the blasts,
> In the light f this some recent reports on the situation of basque
> prisoners might be a a little useful for nettimers:
> Van Boven: "In Spain torture is inflicted more frequently than
> occasionally"
> The UN Rapporteur has recommended among the many proposals put forward
> that legislation permitting incommunicado detention be abolished, and
> the Spanish Government has responded by rejecting the report "outright"
> Imanol Murua Uria - DONOSTIA (San Sebastian)
> Theo Van Boven, the United Nations Rapporteur on Torture, has concluded
> in his report based on interviews and investigations conducted in the
> Basque Country and in Spain last October that torture is inflicted "more
> frequently than occasionally in Spain". He gives credence to the
> testimonies of torture he heard, and despite saying that torture is not
> "systematic", he does not believe that the complaints of bad treatment
> have been "made up".
> As he believes that Spanish legislation opens up the way for torture and
> bad treatment to take place, he has made specific suggestions to the
> Spanish Government in his report due to be presented on March 15, but
> which is already available on the web site of the UN Office for the High
> Commissioner of Human Rights ( among other things, in
> order to safeguard the detainees' right to speak to their lawyers alone,
> to guarantee the care of the doctor of their choice, to record the
> interrogations on video, to identify the interrogators at all times and
> to investigate torture claims independently, he has called for the
> abolishing of the legislation that makes the holding of detainees
> incommunicado possible.
> The Spanish Government has rejected all the recommendations in its
> report in response to Van Boven's conclusions. Among many other reasons
> the Spanish Government says that holding detainees incommunicado "in
> Spain, at least" does not facilitate torture, in the report signed by
> the Permanent Representation it has at the UN Headquarters in Geneva.
> Van Boven's report runs to 23 pages. In the main conclusions the UN
> Rapporteur says "the system itself in Spain opens up the way for torture
> and bad treatment especially when detainees are held incommunicado in
> connection with terrorism." He argues that he received "reliable
> information" to arrive at this conclusion.
> As the report states, the "reliable interviewees" indicated to Van Boven
> that they suspected that the police "involved in the fight against
> terrorism" resorted to torture and bad treatment "more frequently than
> occasionally", and direct testimony of those detained and interrogated
> "verified" this suspicion. According to the UN investigator, in the
> first-hand testimonies he received, he was informed about blows,
> exhausting physical exercises, insulting sexual persecution, and the
> practice of suffocation with plastic material. In the report he wrote,
> "The view of this Special Rapporteur is that in the light of the
> information received and bearing in mind the specific nature of the
> details of the events, these complaints of torture or bad treatment
> cannot be regarded as having been made up."
> "Dreadful year" for prisoners and relatives
> The Etxerat association drew attention yesterday to the fact that curbs
> on Basque prisoners' rights and the situation of their relatives were
> "worsening by the day" and has called on institutions to put aside their
> "indifference" and undertake effective initiatives
> Eider Goenaga - DONOSTIA (San Sebastian)
> "A dreadful year". That is how the Etxerat
> <> member Saioa Agirre
> described 2003. The situation of the prisoners is becoming increasingly
> worse; their relatives involved in 23 accidents; three killed on the
> roads; two "fighting for their lives" as a result of a road accident;
> illegal practices made legal; seriously ill prisoners beaten up;
> expulsions, etc. The Etxerat association's assessment of 2003 presented
> yesterday a list of all these things. Moreover, the fact that there are
> more prisoners than ever who are more dispersed than ever must be added
> to all this: there are 700 detainees in 80 prisons.
> Agirre went on to stress that the start of this year does not point to
> any improvement, but rather the opposite. The prison transfers taken
> place have been to move prisoners further away, other prisoners on
> parole have been imprisoned, Manu Azkarate released under article 92 (*)
> has been imprisoned again and moved away to Alcala. Etxerat members went
> through the infringements of rights that took place last year, category
> by category.
> * Death penalty: * Relatives going to visit Basque prisoners last year
> suffered 23 road accidents and 100 people were involved in these
> * Financial drain: * Agirre denounced the fact that "Basque prisoners'
> friends and relatives are suffering a tremendous financial drain to be
> able to exercise the right of communication enshrined in Spanish and
> French legislation". Indeed each family is spending an average of
> 1,350.65 euros a month on travel.
> * Transferring people far away: * Last year there were 438 transfers;
> 200 of them involved a change in destination. Over 70% of the changes in
> destination were to take Basque prisoners further away from the Basque
> Country. "The prisons of Galicia, Andalusia and Paris are full of
> Basques," said Agirre.
> * Only 15 prisoners in the Basque Country: * The Spanish Government has
> decided to take Basque political prisoners out of the Basque Country
> prisons and Etxerat converted this into figures. Today there are six
> political prisoners in Langraitz (Araba); seven in Martutene (Gipuzkoa),
> two in Iruņea (Pamplona); not a single one in Basauri (Bizkaia).
> * Solitary confinement blocks: * Etxerat has accused the Spanish and
> French government of "intensifying the prisoners' lack of protection";
> "they want them to feel alone in the blocks they have built to destroy
> people physically and mentally. They have turned punishment cells into
> "normal blocks" for Basque prisoners, says Etxerat.
> * In 'mitard' and alone: * Basque prisoners are also kept in solitary
> confinement in French prisons, and not just in punishment cells
> ('mitard') but in many prisons there is only one Basque prisoner. An
> extreme case is that of Txuma Puy from Lekunberri (Navarre). He was
> taken to Strasbourg last year; to visit him people have to travel over
> 1,300 km and he is the only Basque prisoner there.
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> (*) This article in the Criminal Code makes provision for release on
> parole of prisoners who are seriously ill or who have incurable illnesses.
> -- 
> "the riddle which man must solve, he can only solve in being, in
> being what he is and not something else...."
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