[apologies for this, but it's an essential element.]

Addition to Aphoristic Essay to be inserted after "The world slips through
the fingers."

Any element of a raster is independent of any other element. Any element 
may be transformed without transforming any other element. Truth values 
within the digital are problematic. The digital is cleanly separable, 
breakable. The digital is clean.

Any element of the analogic real is interconnected and inseparable. The 
transformation of any element alters any other element. Truth values are 
inherent. The application of truth values is digital. The analogic is a 
membrane. The analogic is dirty, inseparable, unbreakable.

The dirty analogic problematizes its symbolic. The clean digital is 
already symbolic.

The digital _object_ is analogic.

The analogic _representation_ is digital.

Ghosts are embedded within the analogic. Ghosts are excluded from the 

Absence or exclusion from the digital is equivalent to non-existence from 
the viewpoint of the digital. Ghosts are existence and existents within 
the analogic.

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