Sometimes, I think Linuxers can be braindead stupid arrogant in a very
special quasi religious way. Or in the way of doctors that sell dubios
essences on wild west markets in the movies. Open Source and post sale
marketing, isnt it great to have a community?

Sometimes, I think Linuxers can be braindead stupid arrogant in a very
special quasi religious way. Or in the way of doctors that sell dubios
essences on wild west markets in the movies. Open Source and post sale
marketing, isnt it great to have a community?

The extension sdp is not registered at IANA, but is common for sdp files.
Application/sdp is the MIME type.

Such sdp files are important in Apples Quicktime Broadcaster,
for example, you can export the sdp file manualy, http://bla/bla.sdps and
the MIME type application/sdp are handy for "One Click" multicasting in
the LAN or unicasting to one certain other machine worldwide,
seminar from NYC etc, not to mention sdp files in Voip or as a vendor and
platform independent metafile anyway.

But SUN claims sdp for Staroffice! Ask your local Apache, for example , it comes as some
selfproclaimed "application/vnd.stardevision.impress", some open source
Powerpoint file.

Well, Openoffice is great, sotosay Word on Linux and FreeBSD etc, you can
export PDF files, but why did nobody care about the net?


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