Anyone who knows German, or even those who don't know German but are 
familiar with the 'final solution' rethoric, would understand that 
'' must be a Nazi site. What most people would make a 
mistake is to expect a site written in German.

The site is written in Serbian, however. In cyrillic letters (if you 
did not configure your browser to display cyrillic you'd see just 
gibberish). Nevertheless, it is a Nazi site. It prominently features 
a link to "Internet Serbian Parliament", which ad says: "If you are 
banned from B92 forums ... this is a place for you." It starts with a 
quote from Nietzsche: "The time has come for a final conflict about 
the domination of the planet: it will be fought in the name of 
philosophical doctrines brought to their ultimate consequences." It's 
name 'Konacni Obracun' (FINAL RECKONING) would fit nicely with 
similar ultra-right organizations in the U.S. And to globalizationist 
delight, this german-domained, serbian-written site is registered in -
Registrant Contact:
Chrystel    Jean,   210 Rue Des Orteaux 34, Paris, FR 75002

Far from being unique, Endkampf is just one of many ultra-right sites 
dominating the Serbian Internet today. They, not B92, whose listeners 
and viewers grew old (55% are above age of 40), dominate the views of 
Serbia's youth. Please, check the T-Shirt on this youth: 

At least, to the chagrin of a Croatian culture-supremacist, this is 
European, Western - German, to be correct - influence, not Ottoman, 
Turkish, and oriental. Serbia, in other words, by adopting classic 
Nazi ideology, is becoming more a part of the Western Europe than it 
was so far. And with neo-nazi movements blossoming across the old 
continent, Serbian right may find itself far from being isolated and 

Here is some other sites to look at, if you read cyrillic and 
understand Serbian:

This guys are better organized as a movement - they actually 
travelled en-masse to Kosovska Mitrovica last March to protect Serbs 
there from Albanian revenge killings:

There are 19 of them in a "ring" that they all joined within last 2 

Have fun contemplating the future of the Balkans....


Ivo Skoric
19 Baxter Street
Rutland VT 05701

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