I've also been unable to post a message to nettime during the last 5-6 
months (except to nettime announce)... And I tried a few times....

Let's try again with this one...



== http://www.virose.pt/ml | http://www.virose.pt | 
http://www.fba.up.pt ==

On Oct 31, 2005, at 10:15 AM, Geert Lovink [c] wrote:

> Dear all, over the past months or longer each time my postings to
> nettime-l@bbs.thing.net ended up somewhere in a spam filter. Each time
> I have been waiting for days to see if something would happen. Then I
> have to send the posting to one of the moderators, Felix Stalder, who
> then puts my contribution onto the list. Am I the only one? It makes me
> wonder if there isn't a better, faster, easier system possible. Has
> email/list culture indeed become that complicated these days? In the
> end you start thinking, why bother... Geert

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