Agreed. "Sharp borders" don't apply.

"New Media" is now usually internet based, tending to have some or all of 
these components or features:  broadband, graphics, high definition, dynamic, 
interactive, geo-tracked, geo-targeted, real-time, database driven, 
multi-platform, wireless, etc.. 

"New" implies state-of-the-art which is constantly changing.

Hope this helps.

^^Jeremy UK

In a message dated 11/22/2005 12:58:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> Subj:Re: <nettime> Definitions
> Date:11/22/2005 12:58:17 PM Eastern Standard Time
> From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (martin pichlmair)
> Sender:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Reply-to: <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A> (martin 
> pichlmair)
> To:
> i still insist upon not _defining_ but _describing_ it. definitions  

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