OhmyNews, especially the English version, doesn't work this way.

The editor puts stories where he feels they belong. They do record page views 
have a list of the top 10 stories with regard to page views from the previous

On Fri, 25 Nov 2005, Tapas Ray wrote:

> Others have already tried this, quite successfully. Kuro5in and Slashdot
> have been doing this sort of thing for some time. Kuro5in has a more
> reader-centred, one may perhaps say "democratic" approach, and has a more
> general-interest coverage than Slashdot's "news for geeks" focus. OhmyNews,
> which takes stories from "citizen reporters", is a force to reckon with in
> South Korea and is said to have helped decide the outcome of a presidential
> election.
> Tapas

It would seem more important to encourage comments and discussion on the 
rather than votes for what page something goes on.

It doesn't seem that Craig is asking the online community what is needed for an
online newspaper, but somehow has his model.

It would be better to see some discussion of what is needed.

The value of what has happened in South Korea, where there is lots of online
discussion, is that people would discuss (not vote).

Discussion is dynamic.

It is interesting that Craig's list has benefitted from ads but not provided any
accompanying newspaper.

The effort to create a good online newspaper is something really needed in the 
and also the people should be paid something, not just have to volunteer their

OhmyNews is an actual newspaper, has a staff which it employs and pays a salary,
and also welcomes submissions from citizen reporters.

It pays citizen reporters a very minimal amount depending on the nature of the
story - in US either $20, $10 or $2.

The url for my article describing OhmyNews is:



> > Newmark said his news project will involve Web technology to let
> > readers decide which news stories are the most important. At least one
> > Web site is already working this field. Digg.com invites readers to
> > submit stories to be posted on its Web site. "Once a story receives
> > enough (votes) from (the site's visitors) it will be promoted to the
> > front page," the site explains.

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