Bwo GoaNet/ Avelino da Souza

Date with Da Vinci may be postponed

New Delhi: The Da Vinci Code has run into its fair share of
controversies with the Vatican calling for a ban on the film.  With
barely three days left before the movie hits cinema halls across the
globe, the Indian chapter has run into some turbulence.  The Information
and Broadcasting (I&B) Ministry in the country has said that clearance
will not be given to the movie till it is screened before the Catholic
Churches' Association of India (CCAI).

Trouble had started brewing when over 200 Catholic organisations had
submitted a petition against the screening of the film to I&B Minister,
Priyaranjan Dasmunsi.

A ministry official has said that Dasmunsi will see the movie on
Wednesday but will seek the opinion of CCAI before taking a decision on
whether the movie can be released in India.

Speaking against the controversial film, Father Donald D'Souza of the
Catholics Bishops Council said, "In a country where people are still
learning about Christianity, such films can be quite harmful. We don't
want people to imbibe a wrong view of this religion in India."

Meanwhile, the Goa Government has passed a resolution to ban the movie
and has also asked the Centre to impose a nationwide ban.  Goa Chief
Minister Pratapsinh Rane said on Tuesday that he would write to the
Censor Board "either to censor or stop the release" of the controversial
film in the state. "The government has taken cognisance of a letter by
an organisation named the Catholic Association of Goa, which feared this
movie would hurt the sentiments of Christians," Rane said after chairing
a meeting of the state cabinet.  "The association also attached a letter
written by the Archbishop of Goa and Daman, Rev Fr Filip Nery Ferrao, to
parishioners asking them to refrain from viewing this movie," Rane said.

He said it is not within the state cabinet's purview to ban the film
from being screened in Goa.  "The issue figured in the cabinet meeting
when the Chief Secretary placed the letter sent by the association.
Cabinet members felt the movie would hurt sentiments of a large chunk of
the community," he said.  Rane, who is also the Minister of Home for
state, ruled out security measures for cinema halls that plan to screen
the film.
"There is no question of protection as it is for theatre owners to
decide," he said.

The Da Vinci Code, which is scheduled for release in India on May 19,
has been opposed by Christian groups in other parts of the country as
well.  (With inputs from PTI)

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