Dear list,

I just would like to make clear the correct definition of Urban Screens,
Urban Screens are not just a technology or a (new) infrastructure:


"URBAN SCREENS defined as various kinds of dynamic digital displays in urban
space such as LED boards, plasma screens, information terminals but also
intelligent architectural surfaces being used in consideration of a well
ballanced, sustainable urban society - Screens that support the idea of
public space as space for creation and exchange of culture and the formation
of public sphere by criticism and reflection. Its digital nature makes these
screening platforms an experimental visualisation zone on the threshold of
virtual and urban public space." (Mirjam Struppek, 2005)

Pieter Boeder has again disrespected this definition and created his own one
as he already tried in the First Monday publication of the Urban Screens 05
Proceedings, one of the reason why the "joint" introductory text was taken
from the web. 

But i am open for any qualified comments on my definition and would like to
invite you to join my talk about Urban Screens at the ISEA Interactive City
festival WEDS.9th August 1:30-3:30 in San Jose (paper introduction)

Mirjam Struppek
(Developer of the Urban Screens concept)

Mirjam Struppek
Urban Media Research, Berlin

Urban Space, Public Sphere and the New Media

Am [DATUM] schrieb "Pieter Boeder" unter <[ADRESSE]>:

> .
> URBAN SCREENS 2007, a joint project of BBC Public Space Broadcasting,
> Cornerhouse Manchester, MDDA, and the Institute of Network Cultures, is
> seeking candidates for the
> position for its 2007 conference. The post is available starting December
> 2006, and will be funded for one year on a freelance basis.
> To be responsible for the delivery of the conference programme through
> collaboration with a wide variety of artists, curators and organisations by
> - Selecting presentations and art works;
> - Creating a coherent 2-day conference programme;
> - Coordinating a range of parallel exhibitions;
> - Liaison with venues, partners, artists and institutions;
> - Contributing to the documentation of the conference;
> - Contributing to the communication and marketing plans for the conference;
> - Ensuring access issues and Health and Safety are considered as part of the
> programme planning process;
> - Working within budgets agreed by the Board of Urban Screens Projects Ltd.
> The Board of Urban Screens Projects Ltd.
> - Extensive working experience as a curator and/or researcher;
> - Excellent communication & writing skills;
> - Extensive professional knowledge of (audio)visual arts;
> - Extensive professional knowledge of the fields of new media & urban
> studies;
> - Fluency in English & preferably one other language.
> URBAN SCREENS are interactive, dynamic digital information displays in urban
> environments. Forms and appearances range from LED billboards, plasma or SED
> screens, information displays in public transportation systems and
> electronic city information terminals to dynamic, intelligent surfaces that
> may be fully integrated into architectural façade structures. Their
> introduction in the urban environment poses new, unparalleled challenges and
> opportunities.
> URBAN SCREENS 2005 was the first international conference of its kind.
> Presentations covered a broad spectrum of topics and issues, ranging from
> critical theory to project experiences by researchers and practitioners in
> the field of art, architecture, urban studies and digital culture.
> URBAN SCREENS 2007 (Manchester, October 2007) will elaborate on this
> discussion, focusing on the potential of content: issues surrounding the
> production and display of media content for Urban Screens, as well as
> adaptive reuse of 'old' content for new media will be explored in detail.
> Topics will include the potential of public screens for interaction, Public
> Space Broadcasting (PSB), the politics of public space, mediated interaction
> and participation, and new participatory formats.
> More information: and
> This is a freelance contract, the successful candidate will responsible for
> payment of his or her own taxes. Payment will be made in four instalments
> against pre-agreed milestones. Fee £10,000 plus reasonable expenses. The
> contract will be made under UK law.
> To apply, please send a letter of application outlining how you meet the key
> competencies and have the relevant experience together with a current CV to:
> Cornerhouse
> Attn. Dave Moutrey, Director
> 70 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 5NH
> United Kingdom
> Deadline for applications is July 21, 2006.
> _______________________________________________
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