On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 6:11 PM, Ana Peraica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe because national institutional centralized networks on the net are
> quite disfunctional but despite the fact they tend to have an
> institutional explanation (if not even an interpretative colonialism)
> backwards /retro-actively, retrospectively.../, while intuitive,
> displaced international networks are more friendly and they are used
> rather than imposed as a meaning.

Maybe it seems so from your perspective...
but before getting bitter about it
please consider also it might be that
this text is a fair attempt to map out
"New Media Art in Croatia"
focused on local activities tied to specific
local-political-cultural-economical context,
rather then wider field of
"New Media Art of Croatian citizens and diasporas"
which would be tied to genealogical
and civic/nationality administration.

Without implying that text is perfect or without problematic issues
or even that work of Zvonimir Bakotin and Maja Kuzmanovic
is less appreciated (they know I appreciate their work)…
I think that your conclusions are wrong.

However it would be very interesting
to be constructive and look into phenomena of  the
"Croatian New Media Diaspora"
and how does change of social
climate/available resources/networking support
influenced their work, aesthetics and topics
they focused on. Maybe you should give it a try?

This is a question other "exEasternEuropean ex-patriots"
should also be interested to discuss – no?


> ana
>> or Ana...
>> z
>> On Sun, 13 Jul 2008, Ana Peraica wrote:
>>> Unfortunately not any mention of Zvone and Maja or Syndicalists...
>>> ana
>>> Andreas Broeckmann wrote:
>>>> (cross-posted from nettime by permission; apologies for all the
>>>> broken special characters...)
>>>> From: "Klaudio Stefancic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 19:51:28 +0200
>>>> Subject: <nettime> [nettime] New Media Art in Croatia
>>>> dear nettimers,
>>>> here i would like to contribute with my text 'new media new networks'.
>>>> it is about  new media art and culture in croatia from the late 1980's
>>>> till 2005. the text is written last year and it was meant to be

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