With apologies to Ice-T, feel free to pass it on.


0f0003, The Original LOLcat

Ten years ago
I made some software called NATO
But I was such a whiny shit
all my users said get fucked, yo
I was mad how that shit was goin' down there
With my own software
So I tried to write texts fo' nettime!
I was gonna be writin' like a normal net-head, but my boys said

"That ain't you G,
That shit sounds like them."

So I sat back, thought up a new track
Didn't use words, made my text
into hacks. Nettimers got scared
Cause they was unprepared
I replaced vowels with numbers,
I never cared!
Who dared?

I'm m2zk!n3nkunz.

O.L. Original LOLcat
Yeah, I'm 0f0003, The Original LOLcat
O.L. Original LOLcat
Yeah, I'm antiorp., The Original LOLcat

When I tried to write
understandably. You I knew It wasn't me,
I lived a life of en-vy

A dude from the West Coast,
from 'frisco, got bitter,
started coding some shit called Jitter.
Those fools wouldn't let me have my way
so I unleashed the whole kit-teh!
Instead of the leter E
I threw down a damn 3
those fools at "I can has cheezburger"
got nothin' on me
You give me an O, I make it a zero
yo, I'm so hard, I can go esoteric
and hit you with some vowels that ain't even alphanumeric!

I'm motherfuckin' punktprotokol!

O.L. Original LOLcat
Yeah, I'm 0f0003, The Original LOLcat
O.L. Original LOLcat
Yeah, I'm antiorp., The Original LOLcat


Here is picture of 0f0003 trying to ban me from syndicate list:



Dmytri Kleiner
editing text files since 1981


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