Thank you for your reply and for raising these important questions.
As you know, it still remains to be seen what will CHANGE in Egypt,  
Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Jordan, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Saudi  
et al.
What we know is that some people's behaviors have changed and that the  
media they rely on to "structure" their lives have changed.  I believe  that 
these changes will lead to permanent changes in their societies,  although it 
will probably not be immediate.
In the late 1970's, I was brought in by the Saudi government to help with  
the standardized computer coding of Arabic (i.e. the equivalent to  ASCII).  
This was because I had invented an Arabic language word processor  (based 
on WordStar, which I called The Diplomat) and was one of the few in the  
Western computer business who understood how the character set was being  used.
I believe that the widespread adoption of Arabic in computers and  
communication has contributed to change in the Middle East but, to be sure, 
has taken a long time.
Most of the institutions of the West have been built under the dominant  
influence of television.  This is a medium that compels you to SIT BACK,  get 
the equivalent of an eyeball MASSAGE and to go out and buy things that  you 
don't really need.  The result -- in FORMAL CAUSAL terms -- is a  passive, 
drug-addicted, consumerist society.  
As anyone can tell, there are no PEOPLE on television.  Yes, you are  
right.  In this sort of SIMULACRUM of reality, CHANGE is not going to  happen.
But, for the past 20 years, television has been being replaced by the  
Internet -- which causes you to LEAN FORWARD, get BUSY and, increasingly, to  
The New Yorker cartoon was wrong.  On the Internet, you can actually  tell 
if you are talking to a DOG.
New media CAUSES changes in people's behaviors and attitudes.  All I'm  
suggesting is that we do our best to understand how this happens.  
And, yes, I suspect that those in Tahrir square could write a really  
important book about their experiences -- if anyone really wants to read an  
obsolete 15-19th century medium anymore. <g>
Mark Stahlman
Brooklyn NY
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