Dear Michael, nettimers,

Maybe we are forgetting about some of the net.history, and fail to recognise a 
specific net.phenomenon (that should be well-known to nettimers) - the Troll.

Seems we have one on the list and there's a well established set of measures 
how to deal with them - one of the classic manuals for net.moderators is here: 

Reminds me somewhat of the 'Netzvanonva' thing on nettime quite a few years 
back, just that this would be a '', rather than a ''.


On Mar 7, 2011, at 18:17, Michael Benson wrote:

> This is a truly reprehensible post. Private Manning makes a decision clearly 
> based on the dictates of his conscience and as a result he's held in 
> conditions that shouldn't be used even when we're talking about a convicted 
> rapist or killer -- and John Young dismisses concern over his mental health 
> both because he has the bravery to stand up to his tormentors and on the 
> astonishing grounds that because he's gay, being forced into total nudity 
> must be a big turn on to him anyway. What's this kind of shit doing on 
> nettime, and who's doing the masturbating here?

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