The Unbound Book
A Conference on Reading and Publishing in the Digital Age
Amsterdam and Den Haag, The Netherlands
19 - 21 May 2011

*For full program and tickets go to: *

The conventional notion of the book, based on centuries of print, has
grown outdated. The book is coming unbound, freed from the bindings of
the printed volume and from the limitations of conventional text. How
will today’s multimedia content and online modes of authorship offer
entirely new vistas of book-like functions? How should we preserve
vital features of conventional print? How will the chain from author
to reader develop?

Left without obvious contours, the entire concept of ‘bookness’ needs
reinvention. Cultural forces must step in to design and develop future
models for learning, publishing, and design. The Unbound Book
Conference, the largest in scope in The Netherlands to date, brings
together researchers, publishers, librarians and designers from around
the world to take part in defining this rapidly changing landscape.

Featuring: Arianne Baggerman (University of Amsterdam), James Bridle
(, London), Florian Cramer (Piet Zwart Institute,
Rotterdam), Gary Hall (Coventry University, UK), Suzanne Holtzer (De
Bezige Bij publishers, NL), Liz McGettigan (Library Edinburgh
Council), Miha Kovac (University of Ljubljana), Tomas Krag
(Booksprint, Copenhagen), Veljko Kukulj (Geanium, Croatia), Alan Liu
(UC Santa Barbara), Anne Mangen (Stravanger University, Norway),
Bernhard Rieder (University of Amsterdam), Ray Siemens (University of
Victoria, CA), Femke Snelting (Open Source Publishing, Brussels),
Nicholas Spice (London Review of Books), Bob Stein (Institute for the
Future of the Book, NY), Simon Worthington (Mute Magazine, London),
Frank van Amerongen (ThiemeMeulenhoff publishers, NL), and more.

Also featuring the book launches of the Institute of Network Culture's
new publication Critical Point of View: a Wikipedia Reader (20 May,
Koninklijke Bibliotheek) and the Graphic Design Museum's new
publication I Read Where I Am (21 May, Openbare Bibliotheek

Dates and Locations:
19 May Sessions: Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Rhijnspoorplein 1,
20 May Conference Day 1: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Prins
Willem-Alexanderhof 5, Den Haag:
21 May Conference Day 2: Openbare Bibliotheek, Oosterdokskade 143,

Editorial team: Morgan Currie (Institute of Network Cultures), Joost
Kircz (Hogeschool van Amsterdam), Geert Lovink (Institute of Network
Cultures), Bas Savenije (Dutch National Library), Adriaan van der Weel
(University of Leiden)

The Unbound Book is an Initiative of CREATE-IT Applied research centre
at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, the Book and Digital Media Studies at
the University of Leiden, and the Institute of Network Cultures.

Buy tickets now at:
For more information contact

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