Dutch police training Afghan colleagues without knowing local reality

July 21, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen 

De geïllustreerde versie staat op


‎”Kennis Nederlandse trainers over Kunduz lijkt beperkt” (knowledge of the 
Dutch trainers about Kunduz seems limited) is the headline of De Volkskrant 
daily this morning and I imagine how an ignorant Royal Dutch Marechaussee 
(military police) officer instructs the local Afghan police force: “Look that 
is how we do it in Holland!”

[tableau showing a Dutch military policeman training an Afghan police class]

At the same time I imagine the improbable reversed situation of an Afghan 
military or police functionary training Dutch police officers at the Dutch 
Police Academy in Apeldoorn: “Do you understand?  That’s how we do it in 
Afghanistan!” Should it be rather the Dutch politicians who need such a 
training before deciding to send a police training mission to Afghanistan? An 
impossible proposition almost for sure, because who would determine who would 
be the Afghan trainers for such a mission in the Netherlands, which fraction of 
Afghan society would such an instructor represent? Now we are ready to reverse 
this question and think about who has been selected in the Netherlands to train 
Afghan policemen. Or can policing be made in something blank and objective non 
dependant on local standards and social complexities? I doubt it.

[tableau showing Afghan policeman teaching a Dutch police class]

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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