The situation regarding paying for publication may vary depending on the field. 
In the case of science journals with which I am familiar, including some of the 
most reputable ones, there are "page charges."  These are usually covered by 
research grants but not always. An old friend is editor in chief of American 
Physical Society journals (for which he receives a good salary); they publish 
themselves (probably thousands of pages a month in total)  rather than through 
some profit-making entity. Still he insists they must charge for subscriptions 
or downloading articles, because of the expense of editing, typesetting  and 
publishing. I remain unsure why that has to be so, at least at the current 
level of charges. 


On Jul 26, 2011, at 7:36 PM, McLaughlin, Lisa M. Dr. wrote:

> Hello,
> This is all very complicated, and I've thought that it may be best, as an
> editor of a journal, to stay out of the dialogue, but I think that there are
> many good insights stated on nettime--and a few misconceptions.


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