Geo-politics come before human rights: the case of Syria and the legacy of the 
city of Hama

July 31, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen

The illustrated version with embedded video and links can be found at:

[tableau of International Criminal Court logo with the balance of justice swung 
one way and tanks advancing on Hama and demonstrations in that town of these 
last days]

‎”Syrian tanks storm the city of Hama” I read today and the mere name of that 
haunted town makes me shiver, as tens of thousands of people were massacred 
there in the year 1982 on orders of Assad Senior, the death toll ranges between 
20 and 40 thousands. A genocide forgotten – some say – a political mass-murder 
would be a more apt classification. The movie below commemorates the 1982 
ordeal of Hama in Syria.

[embedded Youtube movie]

The well documented Syrian Human Rights Committee has this report on the 1982 
Hama Massacre:​spx/d5/2535.aspx

Infringements on human rights in Syria have been documented for decades by 
organisations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. This has not 
led the ‘international community’ to take any serious action against the Assad 
regime. The Assad dynasty is a stabilising power in the region, as was the 
Egypt of Mubarak. The fate of Syrian citizens is judged as being less important 
than the Middle East Entente.

Also the International Criminal Court in The Hague – sadly enough – is more 
lead by the geo-politics of its constituent states, than by the rule of 
international law. Whereas the UN Security Council asked the ICC to research 
whether the Libyan government should be indicted for its threats to the 
civilian population. No such actions have been taken against the Syrian 
government of Assad Junior. The balance of power in the Middle East is more 
important than the balance of international justice. Or will the attack of 
tanks on demonstrating citizens of the town of Hama make the bascule of justice 
move to its proper position?

Of the 139 states that have signed the Rome Statute of the International 
Criminal Court, 34 have not ratified the treaty, Syria is one of them.

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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