On 30.10.2011 22:46, martin hardie wrote:

Have you been following the Spanish precursor to the occupy movement?

Yes, but certainly not the exact demographics.

I would none the less hazard the guess that the majority of Spanish people are not active in the movement, even if they have the same concerns. As I mentioned, just like OWS, the Spanish protestors no-doubt feel themselves to be in solidarity with the masses, who will none the less not reciprocate and turn instead to "legitimate" political opposition, because no-one else is offering representation.

First of all, the majority of people do not have the time to participate in movements, especially not long term occupations, nor do they have time the time or interest in studying political theories to unravel the contesting framings being presented. Moreover, people do not feel comfortable seeing themselves as holding radical political beliefs, on one hand they lack confidence in their ability to understand radical politics (who could blame them?), and on the other hand simple sociology tells us they are reluctant to alienate their social peers. Whatever dissent exists among the masses, will be captured by the opposition parties.

but I wonder if the institution of a party is apt for these times.

Yet, this is not our choice. Our form of Governance is what it is, and thus even though we want to change it, we must struggle in the political theatre as we find it. As I argued earlier (http://dmytri.info/the-existence-of-demands-proves-the-existence), the very fact that we have political demands means we are demanding political representation.

It seems juvenile to demand representations from others that we despise, to treat the plutocrats' parties as cruel gardians we direct tantrums against in hopes of placation. For the movement to mature me must form our own representation. And as we have not yet transformed society, we must do so within the governing institutions of the current society, for these are the institutions to whom our making demands are addressed in the fist place. Read the placards around you for evidence.

We can not be naive enough to believe that whatever pitfalls and complications may arise in forming a Debtors' Party, that its simply better to direct our demands at the Plutocrat's Party. Can we?

Dmyri Kleiner
Venture Communist

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