Full article with illustration and links can be found at:


> ‎11 November 2011 ~ 11 November 1911, today is the centennial of one hundred 
> years of aerial bombing, the first example being the bombing of Turkish 
> troops by Italian airplanes during the Italo-Turkish War in Libya in 1911. 
> Some grenades hand held, dropped onto troops below. Aerial bombing is in fact 
> incorrect as the launching of airborne missiles date back much further in 
> time. Balloons have for instance been used by the Austrians when they 
> beleaguered Venice in 1849 using unmanned balloons filled with explosives 
> that could be triggered by electro-contacts using long wires (the idea of 
> drones which are used in a more advanced way nowadays is born here). So today 
> it is the centenary of airborne attacks by humans launching explosives from 
> flying contraptions. The idea of airborne attack goes back into mythical 
> times, though.


> We are one century from the moment that a grenade was dropped by hand from an 
> Italian airplane circling over an oasis in the Libyan desert onto the heads 
> of a few Ottoman soldiers. The Italian colonization of Libya that followed 
> the break down of the Ottoman empire – at that time – created the 
> circumstances that lead one century later to renewed usage of air force. We 
> may have progressed in technical sense a lot, but politically speaking we 
> have not yet freed ourselves of crude imposture of imperial power.

written on the aerial bombardment centennial day in Phnom Penh

Tjebbe van Tijen

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