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January 31, 2012 by Tjebbe van Tijen 

[tableau with François Hollande and Balthasar Gracián + maxime}

17th CENTURY SPIN FOR FRANÇOIS HOLLANDE: Oráculo Manual of the art of prudence 
by Balthasar Gracián (1601-1658). Almost daily (on French news) we see the 
foolish triumphalist behaviour of one of the very few alternatives to the reign 
of Sarkozy, and his UMP, François Hollande of the SP. Mass rallies and visits 
to pre-arranged supportive crowds as if he  has already acquired the 
presidential seat. Election to the royal position of French president is – 
sadly – first of all a matter of ‘rhetorics’ and not of a party program. Person 
comes before content. The 21st century SPINS of Hollande are in my view 
hopeless and lead him to electoral disaster. I recommend a more classic SPIN, 
the study of the classic ‘art of prudence’ and the best master remains 
Balthasar Gracian a 17th century priest at the Spanish court, who published a 
pocket book (hand oracle) from which I will quote in the coming election time. 
This is the first maxime, number xix (19):

Arouse no Exaggerated Expectations on entering. It is the usual ill-luck of all 
celebrities not to fulfil afterwards the expectations beforehand formed of 
them. The real can never equal the imagined, for it is easy to form ideals but 
very difficult to realise them. (1)

(1)  English translation under the (alternative) title “The Art of Worldly 
Wisdom” done by Joseph Jacobs, [1892] in an on-line edition at Sacred Texts web 

The Spanish original text “Oráculo manual y arte de prudencia” is on-line also 
in HTML format at the Biblioteca Virtual

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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