Rats! I missed 'my own' demo here in Amsterdam due to forgetfulness ...

In last w/e Dutch paper of record there was an intriguing snippet of
information, burried in the general description of the juridic chaos in
cyberspace, alleging that the big 'content providers' had good reasons to
believe that the under 25s were in favor of paying for access, and that it
were the oldies, who'd seen the Internet from its beginning, who were
clinging to the 'free' model (the 'lost generation' - go to jail! ;-). I
do not think this to be true, yet, if so, even partially (the exponential
increase of Internet access thru mobiles, definitely a non-free solution,
was mentioned as an aside), then can it be that the whole lobbying was a -
quite succesful - delaying tactic till paytolls & tools were developed and
in place?

Cheerio, p+4D!

> Like 10'000s of people across Europe, I spent a few freezing hours
> yesterday at the local anti-ACTA rally. Vienna in my case. Even the
> police estimated the turn-out to be around 3500 people, which is about
> 10 times the number I expected before hand.
> The event was very 'young male geek' oriented, with a few sprinkles
> of diversity, mainly some political parties, including some some
> right wing fringe parties I had never heard of before, and sizable
> contingent of young people who were hard to pin-point in terms of
> their appearance. Normal, like the confused lookers-on who had their
> Saturday afternoon shopping interrupted by people chanting obscure
> acronyms. How about “ACTA AD ACTA” as rousing slogan?
> It's amazing to see that after 10-15 years of arguing these things
> in relative obscurity, they have hit the mainstream. It strikes me
> more than ever that there is a big generational divide between those
> who take Internet culture as common sense and those for whom it's
> weird, or, at least new, in comparison to an old common sense. For
> the first group, ACTA is both very personal – since it's interferes
> with their intimate day-to-day environment – and also symptomatic
> for corruptness of the entire system as they suddenly have come to
> understand it, by coming of age during the crisis. For the other
> group, it's a minor abstract issue, and, by and large, business as
> usual, simply confirming their well-honed cynicism.
> Every generation needs a political fight that allows them to relate
> politics to their personal life and experience how power interferes
> in their own everyday world, rather than understanding it as some
> far-way abstraction. I think for a whole generation, these types
> of demonstrations and all the stuff that happens before and after,
> is doing just that. The financial crisis – arguably the more
> relevant issue – is too big and too abstract. In this light, I
> think phenomena like anonymous – the black block of this movement
> – is playing an important role, less as an organization, but more
> as an experience of radicalization at attunes people to politics in a
> contemporary mode and in their own words, rather than through critical
> frameworks of the previous generation.
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