Brian writes:

>For years I have been dismayed by a very common refusal to think. The
>dismaying part is that it's based on the work of European history's
>greatest political philosopher, Karl Marx. It consists in the assertion
>that social media exploits you, that play is labor, and that Facebook is
>the new Ford Motor Co.

I'm not actually sure that saying people are refusing to think by disagreeing 
with you, is the best way of approaching the question.  We could easily and 
shallowly argue that the idea that Facebook is a sponser of creativity and 
communication, that only incidently profits off the service it offers, is also 
a refusal to think. Certainly it is what facebook might like us to think.. 

To me, the problem is the complexity of what is to be thought, and a general 
refusal to allow paradox - ie that something can be both good and bad, that it 
can have contradictory drives - to exist within the same thought. 

Thus is it not possible that facebook, and others, both exploits free labour 
and provides something that enables people to do something of their own? Why do 
we have to ultimately say it is just one or the other? 

Free labour itself is a complicated idea, perhaps descending from Toffler's 
idea of the 'prosumer', the fact that we all do work nowadays which used to be 
somebody's paid labour - such as filling a petrol pump, checking out goods in a 
store etc etc. Thus we all provide free labour, and that is now part of the 
structure of contemporary capitalism.  It may or may not generate unemployment 
or free people of boring jobs - which ever you like - it certainly cuts costs 
for business and increases profits and upper management salaries. It has drives 
in both directions, but it would not seem to be something entirely outside of 

>Now, there are all kinds of things wrong with social media, and I don't
>even use it. But even I can recognize that it doesn't exploit you the
>way a boss does. 

But a boss is not the only form of exploitation, and indeed we could argue that 
in contemporary capitalism, your direct boss may also be exploited, even though 
they might think they are working 80 hours a week because they want to get 
ahead or something. Again the relation is complex.

Perhaps a better way of expressing the facebook relation is tribute.  Like you 
farm and give a certain percentage of your income to the Lord, because he 
enables you to farm - in theory.  Facebook provides the farm, and skims off 
some money you never knew you had produced.

>It emphatically _does_ sell statistics about the ways
>you and your friends and correspondents make use of your human faculties
>and desires, to nasty corporations that do attempt to capture your
>attention, condition your behavior and separate you from your money. In
>that sense, it does try to control you and you do create value for it.


>Yet that is not all that happens. Because you too do something with it,

That is not all that happens in a workplace either.  We party, have love 
affairs, rivalries, express ourselves, sometimes sell results of our labour 
elsewhere and so on. 

Are people at google not wage labourers even with the beanbags, free form 
spaces, and day a week to officially do something interesting? The peasants 
under their lord also have fun days as well. But this might not mean that zero 
exploitation exists.

>something of your own. The dismaying thing in the theories of playbour,
>etc, is that they refuse to recognize that all of us, in addition to
>being exploited and controlled, are overflowing sources of potentially
>autonomous productive energy. 

By criticising facebook for 'exploiting' people and for enabling certain forms 
of contact, and restricting other forms of contact, what is precisely being 
recognised is that people have productive energy. No business could survive 
without people's productive energy.

The whole point of a 'business organisation' is to harness as much of that 
creative and productive capacity for its own ends, and to make its ends the 
ends of the workers. If those workers don't get paid for it, all the better, as 
far as management and ownership is concerned. 

The business enables people to survive and produce things; it also exploits 

>The refusal to think about this - a
>refusal which mostly circulates on the left, unfortunately - leaves that
>autonomous potential unexplored and partially unrealized.

Not in my opinion, it recognises the difficulties faced for autonomous 

Can we have an autonomous potential in any case? To me sounds like a potential 
outside of society, outside of organisation, or the interplay of chaos and 
structure. So again facebook might be good or bad.

anyway, just some non-thinking.


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