
just an aside: i think it is _ironic_ that a well-established and securely state-funded project like the Berlin-Biennale is seeking "solidarity actions" from small and independent institutions and groups, and that it is actually receiving such solidarity (solidary with what?), possibly due to a mix of curator-artist zmiewski's provocative clout, and a pinch of hope on the part of the partners to benefit from the association with an international art event like the biennale.

i respect the whole thing as part of zmiewski's scenography, in which the entire biennale (normally a curated group exhibition) becomes one big zmiewski happening (though still also a group exhibition, apparently), something that must have been calculated, if not the intention, when the Biennale board invited zmiewski as curator. i hope that everybody is going to have fun and benefit from the scenario, and personally i am in favour of the way in which zmiewski raises difficult ethical questions. however, i wonder whether "solidarity actions", at least in the art field, will ever be the same again after this exercise in reciprocity.


Am 22.03.12 17:50, schrieb paolo do:

For the 7. Berlin Biennale, the curator Artur ??mijewski has created a
political space where to explore the effects of art in society and the
connections with the current social and political situations. In this
scenario, several actors, institutions and political collectives that
share this approach have been invited to engage in ???solidarity
actions??? in accordance with the theme of the BB7.

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