This is the psychology of global capital. It is the psychology of the 
spectacle. Its not clear the concerns you mention are primary for people in 
Damascus whose families are being bombed, raped, shot, and mutilated, or for 
the various "liberation armies" throughout sub-Saharan Africa who are doing the 
bombing, raping, shooting and mutilating there. 

My response was to the previous text, which was eliminated in your reply, which 
claimed that war was now primarily psychological. I think you missed my point: 
I agree that war has a psychological component, but without real "credible 
threat" "terror" means nothing. And that means plenty of examples, as Voltaire 
said, "pour encourager les autres."


On Jul 18, 2012, at 11:53 PM, Heiko Recktenwald 
I<> wrote:

> Shure, but psychology plays a role in those wars as well. The
> psychologty of terror. Of permanent war without end. Interests and
> drones everywhere. See also the psychology of the renaming of the Westbank
> Syria is a very good example as well. Are there freedom lovers against a
> bloody dictator or is it just A against B with B being the perfectly
> legal gouvernement? The role of Mrs. Clinton, the role of talking and
> not talking with the other side. The blame game. To win hearts and minds
> at home.

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