For those of you with artistic leanings and a distaste for the rank
corruption of New Zealand's film subsidy policies, we are inviting
submissions of drawings, multimedia installations, or other art to the
'Kill the Hobbit to Save Regular Earth' Initiative.

Rules below.  Valuable prizes awarded.  Spread the word and kill the Hobbit.


I am happy to announce the ???Kill the Hobbit to Save Regular Earth??? 
Initiative??? KH2SREI for short (pronounced Kisstory, after the ancient Elven 
admonition to beware Hobbits bringing gifts).  
I invite you to flesh out the Kisstory allegory in whatever direction makes 
most sense to you.  If you send me pictures, I will publish them here (as long 
as they are not obscene or gratuitously nasty).  I will even try to talk the 
good people at Bloomberg View into running them.  And if we get enough 
submissions we will have a public vote to award copies of the ???semi-epic??? 
Media Piracy in Emerging Economies 
(  to the two most worthy 
entries (plus whatever other awards we can accumulate in the meantime.)  With 
luck, we???ll assemble a panel of distinguished judges to make these additional 
Some suggested guidelines:
Extra points for including other figures from the story, such as New Zealand PM 
John Key (gollum?) or Peter Jackson (Saruman?)
Extra points for representing the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.
Extra points for contrasting a free and open Internet to some future, corrupted 
TPPA Internet.
Extra points for adding more Harry Potter references or other WB properties 
into the mix.
Extra points for combining this somehow with the Hawkeye Initiative 
Special awards for multimedia (Downfall 
( anyone?)
Special award for the best pro-Hobbit, pro TPPA, pro Warner Bros art, if we get 

Submissions will be accepted (and occasionally published) through Dec 31.  
We???ll also set up some sort of public voting mechanism.
You can submit images or links to work to 
All images will be assumed to be available under a CC attribution 
non-commercial use license (, so that we 
can keep public culture public.
Rim hennaid, Nettime readers.

Joe Karaganis

The American Assembly

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