The fate of leaders and social movements associated with them is a recurring 
theme in my visual comments; Opendemocracy published two of them as far as I 
remember... this one is on Chavez...

To see the big visual tableau I published on Sunday March 3 2013 got o my 
Flickr web site:

"LEADERS DIE" - the past does not last - ultimos momentos del librador from 
Bolivar to Chavez

Throughout history social movements create leaders and vice versa... 'great 
leaders' weaken social movements that become over-dependent on their 
accumulated power and charisma. The shift in rhetorics from the revolutionary 
to the religious (1) in Venezuela is but a vain attempt to create an after-life 
for it's president and leader Hugo Chavez. 

"The process of beatification has begun, Hugo Chávez is becoming a figure of 
the unconscious, in the background, whose 'wishes' are being fulfilled by his 
ministers." (2)

In July last year Hugo Chavez presented a 3D reconstruction of Simon Bolivar 
face during a presentation in the presidential palace in Caracas. (3) In true 
christian Catholic Church tradition a cult of the the ''liberator' from Spanish 
colonial rule and the establishment of a new local elite rule in so many South 
American nations, has been furthered by Chavez during his presidency.  In his 
words: "Bolivar is the fight that does not end, he is born every day in 
ourselves, in his people, in the children, in the fight for life and for social 
justice." (4) A gigantic Mausoleum to which what is thought to be the remains 
of Simon Bolivar have been reburied, has been constructed in Caracas. (5) 
Chavez has embraced the theory that Simon Bolivar did not die a natural death 
but has been poisoned because of his insurgence against Spanish colonial rule. 

It is as if all this activities around the sainthood of leadership of what 
Chavez likes to see as his predecessor also were a foreshadowing of his own 
vulnerability and fears that came to a dramatic conclusion when a serious 
illness befell the new leader. His treatments in Cuba, the secrecy around his 
state of health and the rumours economics that tend to expand in such 
situations, led to a series of photographs showing Chavez in a Cuban hospital, 
reading a newspaper together with his two daughters. Reactions claiming that 
these pictures were a fraud, soon circulated. (6) Since the recent return of 
Chavez to Venezuela (live or as a corpse, also this is doubted) the lack of 
governmental information on his actual state remained the same. People are 
asked to believe those who speak in his name. 

(1) "Mass at Caracas military hospital as Chavez death rumour denied"

(2) A recent report on the 'ultimate moments of the liberator' today in The 
As Chávez fights cancer, Venezuela prepares for life after the president
While a gravely ill president undergoes a new, tougher course of chemotherapy, 
both his supporters and opponents are unsure of what the future holds for their 
Stephen Gibbs in Caracas in Caracas
The Observer, Saturday 2 March 2013 19.16 GMT:
"At a late-night press conference afterwards, Maduro conceded that Chávez is 
unable to speak because of a tracheal tube to assist his breathing, but has 
been able to contribute to the meetings via what the vice-president described 
as "a variety of means of writing". Venezuelan diplomats have meanwhile 
delivered several letters, purportedly from the leftist leader, including one 
to Cuba's Raúl Castro, congratulating him on his re-election as president.
"The process of beatification has begun," says Carlos Calderón, a Caracas-based 
lawyer. "Hugo Chávez is becoming a figure of the unconscious, in the 
background, whose 'wishes' are being fulfilled by his ministers."
Chávez's matchless talent at speaking to the poor in Venezuela – together with 
the billions of petrodollars which have been spent on social programmes – have 
earned him a quasi-religious reverence from his followers. But he remains a 
singularly divisive figure and the country is split almost evenly when it comes 
to evaluating his charms – he is loved by his supporters just as he is loathed 
by his opponents.
"He's the sort of president who only comes around perhaps every two centuries," 
says Francisco Morón, speaking from his new three-bedroom home, which he was 
given by the government last year after 25 years of homelessness.
The government has encouraged Venezuelans to attend church services and pray 
for their sick leader."

(3) A curious source for this reconstruction of the likeness of a deceased 
human being transposed to sainthood is the english language Teheran Times form 
Iran, that obsservers: "After the scientist heading the 3D image project 
explained on Tuesday how it had been created using multiple scans and the 
latest forensic facial reconstruction methods, Chavez said Venezuelans were 
jubilant to see Bolivar's “real face” at last."

(4) Chavez unveils Simon Bolivar's reconstructed 3-D face Bolivar is the hero 
of independence in Venezuela and five other countries Venezuelan President Hugo 
Chavez has unveiled a 3-D reconstruction of the face of Simon Bolivar, who died 
in 1830 after leading the fight against Spanish colonial rule in the region. 
The computer-generated image was created by artists studying Bolivar's remains. 
It looks remarkably like known portraits of the South American liberation hero. 
Two years ago Mr Chavez ordered that the remains should be exhumed. Bolivar was 
widely thought to have died from tuberculosis aged 47. But the Venezuelan 
president had a theory that Bolivar had been poisoned in revenge for his fight 
against the Spanish empire. Forensic tests were inconclusive. 
<a href=""; 

(5) "Simón Bolívar's new tomb is monument to Hugo Chávez, say critics" (...) 
"More than 180 years after his death, the independence hero Simón Bolívar will 
be given an ostentatious and controversial new resting place in Venezuela 
thanks to his most famous modern-day follower, Hugo Chávez. The Venezuelan 
president has commissioned a £90m, white-tiled and domed mausoleum in Caracas 
to pay homage to his political inspiration, the nation's founding father."
<a href=""; 


Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
dramatising historical information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger
Flickr: Swift News Tableaus by Tjebbe van Tijen

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