Ok, I'll bite: why does digital technology entail the disappearance of a middle 
class ? Why cyber serfs instead of a cyber middle class? Some of the answer IS 
political and started when Reagan broke the air traffic controllers's strike 
and fired every one of them. The negative effects in terms of poor safety and 
the erosion of organized labor are still being felt. The new flex time in Spain 
is Orwellian in its language and  implications. The Economic IS Political. 
What's need is not healthy ignorance or cool detachment or neo-MacLuhanism aka 
the Californian Ideology, but connecting all the dots. I'm not talking about 
boohoo liberalism, but active defiance of the system. Not passive acceptance of 
what originates in the world of finance capital or the Politiburo. 

Btw: to disagree with a techo-determinist stance is not naive. It's a 
difference of opinion. Social analysis does not preclude economic analysis. One 
of the problems is the confrontation of the quantitative with the qualitative 
as modes of analysis. Pretending one or the other doesn't exist or is 
hopelessly naive is willful self-serving blindness. 

Keith Sanborn

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