Dear Nettime listers…

Like so much of 60s counter culture initiatives the Whole Earth Catalogue was 
soaked up by the various forms of consumer fetishism symptomatic of a highly 
developed consumerist society; a phenomenon that Herbert Marcuse understood 
only too well. As a consequence it is easier to replay the the good notes it 
represented (or embodied) rather than seek out what kernels of both political 
and practical knowledge lie in its past existence and experience; and here lies 
one of the unique aspects of advanced (brand America) or late stage capitalism 
(if one prefers): the centripetal dynamics of American society have 
successfully defanged those internal political movements that have threatened 
the global agenda of the American state. This is a Faustian thread that wends 
its way through all layers of the society and unfortunately has become a 
paradigmatic tool in the kit of neoliberal statesmen, politicians and 
plutocrats. The case of the American labour movement is a prime example; 
Gompers agreed to jettison labour's political weapons (ages ago) and in return 
American workers would get a bigger piece of the capitalist pie - the formula 
has worked successfully in other sectors as well… and so it goes; isn't it 
remarkable that out of all the political movements from the 60's nothing 
emerged that substantially challenged the dual party dominance of American 
political discourse? It's the Ellsebergs or Snowdens or Kings that continue to 
unsettle the system… hmmm. The Tanner film Jonah in the Year 2000 is worth look 
for those interested in some of the group dynamics from that era (from the 
French vantage point).


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