_/   D o c u m e n t a r y N o t e s F r o m I n d i a

India Film BiB
 documentary trailer about life in bollywood and beyond.

          Sufi Soul - The Mystic Music Of The Islam: The film
          follows William Dalrymple's personal journey into
          the mystical and musical side of Islam as he charts
          traditions of Sufi music in Syria, Turkey,
          Pakistan, India and Morocco.  For hundreds of
          millions of Sufi followers worldwide, music is at
          the heart of their tradition and a way of getting
          closer to God.  From the Whirling Dervishes of
          Turkey to the qawwali music of Pakistan, Sufism has
          produced some of the world's most spectacular music
          celebrated by Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
          Dalrymple's film traces the shared roots of
          Christianity and Islam in the Middle East and
          discovers Sufism to be a peaceful, tolerant and
          pluralistic bastion against fundamentalism.
          Includes footage of performances by Youssou N'Dour,
          Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Mercan Dede, Abida Parveen,
          Sain Zahoor, Galata Mevlevi Ensemble, Kudsi
          Erguner, Goonga and Mithu Sain, Junoon and Abdennbi
          Zizi. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICG3YqI2AD4

Bollywood: Watch "India Film BiB" on YouTube -

          History channel did a documentary on India's mafia
          and Bollywood and features an interview with
          Hrithik Roshan

Kristoff St. John talks about his family's unsuccessful 1980s
quest to find God in India in new documentary film:

Watch: New 7-min documentary film about one of 40K girls in
India standing up to #endchildmarriage & change mindsets

Watching HeartBreaking Documentary Young Girls in India
stolen for Human Trafficking Businesses Ya Haram!!

Jesus in India? Full Documentary:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiy5uY3Iw2s ...

Anurag Kashyap to present 'The World Before Her' documentary

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Av39YJTnMM8#t=99 ... Gulabi
gang, the documentary condition reflects poor women in India

Documentary 'Gulabi Gang', women fighting against male social
pressure (which many times it finish in murder)
http://youtu.be/Av39YJTnMM8 #India

Shazia Khan's documentary "Sama - Muslim Mystic Music of
India" will be screened at #IndiEarth #OnScreen next week:

'Birth 1871' on India's Denotified Tribes.  The history of
'hereditary criminality': piece on N American screenings

Film on travelling tent cinemas of India receives #Sundance
Documentary grant

Pitching for Manipur: Documentary Sheds New Light on
Northeast India Through Baseball http://huff.to/OD9sbl

Article on "Menstrual Man" -- an excellent documentary by
@AmitVirmani on one man's sanitary pad revolution in India:

Salma, a poet from India, taking pt in the Commonwealth Poets
Utd project, appears in documentary, Salma, GFT, 12/4

Nisha Pahuja's documentary 'The World Before Her' is an
examination of a woman's identity in contemporary India |

Kristoff St. John on his new documentary film detailing his
family's unsuccessful 1980s quest to find God in India:

At 10:30pm tonight, The Colours of Holi: 'My Name is Red'
India Matters documentary by Radhika Bordia

Since "paid media" is in news, Once again sharing a
documentary on "Paid Media in India"..

          Al Jazeera English @AJEnglish: Our 1st interactive
          documentary takes you inside a major player in
          India's healthcare market : IndianHospital

Swedish House Mafia announce the screening of their much
awaited documentary 'Leave the world behind', in India!...

A documentary around Ms Abargil's journey currently playing
here at FICCI @BraveMissWorld pic.twitter.com/A7fsYfHAt2

UKP3 in My Pocket, the pioneer migrants from India & Pakistan
- documentary on @bbcasiannetwork with @kavpuri

PVRDirectorsRare to release documentary on SwedishHouseMafia -
LeaveTheWorldBehind in India on Mar 21

          Nisha Pahuja's documentary The World Before Her is
          going to release in India on April 25.  The World
          Before Her is a Canadian documentary film, released
          in 2012.  Written and directed by Nisha Pahuja, the
          film explores the complex and conflicting
          environment for young girls in India by profiling
          two young women participating in two very different
          types of training camp -- Ruhi Singh, who aspires to
          become Miss India, and Prachi Trivedi, a militant
          Hindu nationalist with the Durga Vahini.

A documentary on astronomy research in India is funded by
 IAU's Office of Astronomy for Development

This super short documentary (1989) on some of India's finest
cricketers.  Rare footage of Nayadu, Merchant, Mankad.

The documentary "No Fire Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri
Lanka" is now available for online viewing in India

Ian McDonald, Director and J Geetha, Producer of Algorithms,
a documentary on blind chess players in India at the...

#SHM documentary to be released in India in March!
#Exclusive via @EDMofy #EDM cc @m_deepanshu

Must watch documentary offering a rare insight into the
complexities and dilemmas of healthcare in modern India:

Documentary by @DeepikaBhardwaj on the abuse of India's
anti-dowry law by bounty hunters

The path of women's resistance from the suffragettes to the
'treehugging' Chipko women of #India, watch #documentary

Indian censors ban documentary 'No Fire Zone: The Killing
Fields of Sri Lanka' b/c of "disturbing" visuals

India Bans Screening Updated Version of Channel 4 Documentary
*No Fire Zone* Directed by Callum Macrae.
http://dbsjeyaraj.com/dbsj/archives/28269 ...

          India bans @nofirezonemovie documentary
          http://bit.ly/MKZbZD Watch it online:

Interview with the film-maker Kombai S. Anwar, whose
56-minute documentary Yaadhum (All).  Yaadhum, a documentary
tracing the roots of Tamil Muslims, evocatively portrays a
syncretic tradition that allowed inclusiveness and peaceful
coexistence.  Kombai S.  Anwar, the director, says the film
also presents an antidote to the increasing radicalisation of
society.  By R.Ilangovan http://fb.me/2UbTs24xq

Gulabi Gang, beautiful but brutal documentary about a growing
feminist activist group in India's villages.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Av39YJTnMM8&feature=youtu.be ...

Compiled in public interest by Frederick Noronha, Goa
Join us on http://groups.yahoo.com/group/docuwallahs2

Source: Twitter and other online spaces.

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 f...@goa-india.org
Audio recordings (mostly from Goa): http://bit.ly/GoaRecordings
Goa,1556 http://www.scribd.com/doc/76671049/Goa1556-Catalogue-Books-from-Goa

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