Dear nettimers,

on March 21-22 2014 the first MoneyLab event was held, here in Amsterdam, 
organized by the Institute of Network Cultures. It took place in the bankrupted 
Smart Project Space facilities near Leidseplein (now called Lab111). The 
conference covered, besides the general topic of money theory, monetization and 
the impact of the 2008 global financial crisis issues such as bitcoin and other 
crypto-currencies, crowdfunding research and mobile money. There was also a lot 
of emphasis on artistic responses to money politics. If you want to you more 
please visit the MoneyLab blog on the INC website and subscribe to the 
( There you 
can also find out more information about possible next workshops and events 
such as the planned second MoneyLab conference in London (early 2015).

Videos, photos and blog reports of all contributions can be found here: 



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