
I have been watching the back and forward around the concept/meme of netocracy 
and I had started replying to earlier posts, but decided not to send it, as it 
seems to be less of a discussion and more of a back-and-forward exchange. 
However, I am finding it interesting so I now paste in my words on the few 
mails previous to the last one from Florian;

For one insight into alternative ways of inventing the future I recommend Peter 
Lang, "The Lost Continents of Utopia": 
 (Alexander may remember Peter from the Normalcy Project - 
https://www.facebook.com/normalcyproject-  here in Stockholm, where Alexander 
spoke on Netocracy, there is a video here: 

Just thinking about what makes the present cultures and societies different, if 
indeed they are, from earlier similar formations, is the speed of digital media 
that can result in what has been termed 'Virtual':

“In the virtual, we are no longer dealing with value; we are merely dealing 
with a turning-into-data, a turning-into-calculations, a generalized 
computation in which reality-effects disappear. The virtual might be said to be 
truly the reality-horizon, just as we talk about the event-horizon in physics. 
But it is also possible to think that all this is merely a roundabout route 
towards an as yet indiscernible aim.”- Jean Baudrillard. Passwords. Translated 
by Chris Turner. London: Verso. 2003: 40-41.

Contrary to the anything that can be termed 'revolutionary' in the idea of 
Netocracy, it seems that others see the concept as simple digital production 
supplying markets, such as these entrepreneurs in Serbia:  
http://youtu.be/l_Nves1EO3U (no Silicon Valley, no Williamsberg). To extend 
Baudrillar'd idea, this is just an example of labor and focus 
turning-into-brand. Here the web is not separate from life but needs the 'need' 
to be created as "The virtual might be said to be truly the reality-horizon".

Alexander's equation "15% superclass of the United States ruling over the 85% 
underclass of consumtarians" closely resembles the older breakdown of:

5% - bourgeoisie
15% - petit bourgeoisie
80% - proletariat

with these defined categories, so:

bourgeoisie - 
1. owns/controls large productive property (banks, factories, shipping, 
transport, chain stores, etc.)
2. employs labour
3. does not have to work (might choose to, but this is immaterial)

petit bourgeoisie - 
1. owns small productive property (corner shop, crafts, market stall,etc.)
2. employs labour
3. has to work (labouring or supervising, but compelled by lack of resources)

proletarian - 
1. owns no productive property
2. cannot employ labour
3. must sell own labour to bourgeoisie (of either type)

(taken from: Attempts to calculate US proletariat 

Keeping this similarity in mind I would venture to say that while money is now 
electronic and pan-global and national currencies may wither, the enforcement 
of Power through capital ratios associated with money will remain. Bitcoin is 
just the first wave of a symbolic value experience that will be run as a 
program, but I believe it will maintain the same dependencies and prohibitions 
that money has done for centuries.

In relation to the earlier mentioned free-ness of Gmail, Facebook etc. 'Free' 
is here defined by what we are prepared to exchange for a service - a single 
point in a demographic network or time, or advertising space or data. But Gmail 
and all the others are creating value for everyone. Traditional sharecropping 
is managed a similar way (no sociogram needed). Again, an ancient future.

Finally I would go as far as to say the future is exhausted and this is 
reflected across those cultures that are adapting to the power that comes with 
the Virtual. This idea is posited on the fact that the future as a concept was 
invented -  born out of a desire for progress, a belief in historical change, 
an abandonment of tradition and so on. The future just may not be a sustainable 
concept in a virtual sense. One example of this I think about a lot is the 
rampant nostalgia of today in the economies that support abstract levels of 
symbolic exchange. Examples include retro, hipster, evangelical, right wing 
extremist-  all have nostalgia at their core, often for a time that never 
really existed. In the future we will live the time we have the means to afford 
to live. Meanwhile pre-Virtual economies continue to negotiate the encroachment 
of the virtual via the national, tribal and religious systems of power and 
economy. Colonial powers take advantage of these systems and exploit them.

*Insert a nice way to say goodbye*

James Barrett
PhD Candidate/Adjunct
Department of Language Studies/HUMlab
Umeå University


From: nettime-l-boun...@mail.kein.org [nettime-l-boun...@mail.kein.org] On 
Behalf Of Florian Cramer [fcra...@pleintekst.nl]
Sent: 21 April 2014 00:41
To: nettim...@kein.org
Subject: Re: <nettime> Will your insurance company subsidize your quantified    

Hello Alexander,

As for the meaning of the concept "netocracy" we could of course also speak
> of a "digerati" (to me though that term sounds like banal marketing speech)
> but why not of the "net aristocracy" Tyler Cowen portrays in his 2013
> dystopian bestseller "Average Is Over"?

Then we're stuck with a linguistic problem from the very beginning since
the suffix "-cracy" doesn't necessarily relate to aristocracy, but
generally signifies rule or power; like in the words "democracy" (rule of
the people) and "meritocracy" (rule of those who gained merit). "Netocracy"
can either mean "rule of the net" or "rule over the (Inter)net". Seems that
I misread your initial statement as one about who has the rule over the
Internet . Apologies for the misunderstanding.

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