On 05/11/2014 03:57 PM, Geert Lovink wrote:

> To me, it is somehow super clear that Facebook is evil. Not hard to 
> understand. But Google? Why are tensions rising so high lately around them? 
> Look at the tone of the Cory Doctorow blog post to Boing Boing… Don't get me 
> wrong. But have they really gone down lately? In my humble view they are as 
> evil as were a decade ago... What happened? Have we changed?

I think many people have been switching back and forth between being
suspicious, apprehensive and hopeful regarding Google - suspicious
because of their centralization and monitoring, hopeful because of their
technical cluefulness and huge contributions to free software, and
apprehensive because of some of their inclinations towards right-wing
politics - as in Schmidt's case.

On the other hand, I don't see how Doctorow became part of the "bay area
elites". He's a notoriously leftist British-Canadian science fiction
writer living in London. He did live in SF once, but it might take more
than that to become part of the local elite?

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