Independant and anonymous labourleaks project is launched and calling
for content from workers, labour, social justice and free knowledge
activists alike. Below text is taken from the website of the project:

"Welcome to

OK. You know about press leaks: they are as old as the press. You know
about the famous/notorious online Wikileaks, this is only seven years
old and is one part of the subversive/emancipatory capacity of the
web. There are increasing numbers of such leaks, produced by
particular groups for particular purposes, for different kinds of
Well, we are labour activists, long active both on the shopfloor and
online. And we have ourselves had bad experience with company secrecy
and ‘managerial prerogatives’: some of us have been disciplined or
sacked for exposing information that is essential for ourselves or our
fellow workers.

This is why we have created LabourLeaks";

Please help out and spread the word, in solidarity.

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