Thank you Robert Adrian for your remarks,

you focus on art-projects using telecom... which was not my intend.

Also  we have forgotten here to mention the FIDO (dial-up network) which was 
fully alive and had some kind of a global span at that time. The bottom up node 
system may be an inspiration for independent data-communication in our times, 
by combining it with short wave radio.

You may like to check out this article: AIRLIFT YOUR DATA: alternatives for a 
blockaded internet
January 26, 2012 by Tjebbe van Tijen

You say "Who, in the early 80s, could have predicted the coming Internet 
One can say that even at the end of the 19th century there were plenty of 
phantasies about instant world wide data communication, inspired by the early 
telephone like in the famous book/drawings of "Le Vingtième siècle. La vie 
électrique" (1890) by Albert Robida... which even shows a videophone projection 
of a gentleman in Europe watching a reportage - live cast - of the Boxer 
rebellion in China from his feauteuil. 

I would say 'prediction' of future technology has been with us, human kind, 
from the beginning.

My favourite book on this is:

Wilkins, John, and Brigitte Asbach-Schnitker. 1984. (first published in 1641) 
Mercury, or, The secret and swift messenger shewing how a man may with privacy 
and speed communicate his thoughts to a friend at any distance ; together with 
An abstract of Dr. Wilkins's essays towards a real character and a 
philosophical language. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins Pub. Co.

Which is now even available as an ebook...  (not yet pirated as far as I can 
see) but there is a digital facsimile at based on a microfilm... 
enjoyable media-history!

Here ideas for the future are based on on references to a past as understood 
from what by then had already been established as a canon of references, the 
'classical past'.

The book is more often noted for cryptography and artificial languages, but it 
serves a study of media-history/tele-communications as well. 

Ideas about the relation between 'medium' and 'message' have also been 
understood way before the popularity of Marshall McLuhan.

Like in the book of Comenius "Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart" 
dated 1631 in which there is a humorous description of the way the carriers of 
the latest news should be understood:

XXII The Pilgrim Finds Himself among the Newsmongers

I know these are derivations, but they serve a purpose as it is a pledge to 
have a wider view on communication technology beyond the specifics of technical 


On 10 Jun 2014, at 02:58, rax wrote:

     Since we are in "old-timer" mode, here are a few additional remarks
     about the pre-historic media world of the 80s ....

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
dramatising historical information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger
Flickr: Swift News Tableaus by Tjebbe van Tijen

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