Janos that is an awful lot of detailed information on the electoral system 
changes & practices in HUngary 
in these two simple links.

The details - necessary as they are - swallow up an outsider without enough 
focus on the Magyar Dystopia of the 21st century.

Did I miss your own comment on all this?

Or would you be able to formulate it with this detailed information just as a 

I do have odd memories of the political landscape of Hungary in the mid 
eighties of last century and the dismay of seeing people I licked at that time 
drifting into ultra-right/nationalistic directions (Inconnu group among 

In a way all those numbers and the concept of a super majority made me think 
back to  a book of Miklos Haraztsy "Opposition = 0,1 pour-cent. Extraits du 
samizdat hongrois présentés par Miklós Haraszti. Traduit du Hongrois et préf. 
par Georges Aranyossy" (Edition du Seuil 1979). I have it at home. Remember 
meeting him in Budpaest and being introduced to the circle of dissidents around 
Krasó György by Haraszti. Krasso having house-arrest at that time. Now the 
cynical "opposition 0,1 %" in the title of that book seems to come into view of 
what is a parliamentary democracy (however manipulative it's functioning, and 
politics without manipulation do not exist).

Orbán and the Fidesz party have been watched over in their cradle by Haraszti 
Miklos and looking around I spotted an article by Haraszti The "real" Viktor 
Orbán published in OpenDemocracy in 200, where he hails the elections of that 
year that did send Orbán back to a role of opposition and wonder (also) how the 
actual state of affairs is seen by him.

As for the Hungarian diaspora of 1956 and their part in the recent voting... 
that seems logic when one looks into  the forces that were revolting against 
party communist rule in 1956. One sees there a whole spectre of ideologies and 
practices under the banner of "freedom" (as there was a common enemy to be 
fought), with several rooting in a not so far away reactionary past of the 
Horthy regime. 

In the year 2005/2006 I did a study of many of the Hungarian exile communities 
and it was often hard to stomach their racist and ultra nationalist viewpoints.

Is it not so that in Hungary the process of coming to grip with its own past 
has been neglected?

The simplifications as expressed in the representation of history as in the 
House of Terror are an expression of the dichotomy of freedom versus communist 

It suffices to reas some documents on the 'white terror' of the Horthy regime 
already published in the twenties of last century and his actual rehabiliation, 
to know what is to be done.

Tjebbe van Tijen


     On 13 Jun 2014, at 12:11, Janos Sugar wrote:

          Hungary and the End of Politics
          Kim Lane Scheppele

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
dramatising historical information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger
Flickr: Swift News Tableaus by Tjebbe van Tijen

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