A recent posting on MacRumors I thought might be of interest to nettimers. My 
apologies to those for whom this is obvious and too downstream. 

Keith Sanborn

As part of a recent Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE/X) conference presentation, 
forensic scientist and iPhone jailbreak expert Jonathan Zdziarski detailed 
several backdoor security mechanisms that are secretly included in iOS by 
Apple. These mechanisms make covert data collection easier for Apple and 
governmental authorities, reportsZdziarski via ZDNet. 

Zdziarski confirms that iOS is reasonably secure from attack by a malicious 
hacker, but notes that the mobile OS includes several forensic services and 
noticeable design omissions that make the OS vulnerable to snooping by forensic 

These services, such as "lockdownd," "pcapd" and "mobile.file_relay," can 
bypass encrypted backups to obtain data and can be utilized via USB, Wi-Fi and 
possibly cellular. They also are not documented by Apple and are not developer 
or carrier tools as they access personal data that would be not used for 
network testing or app debugging purposes. 

While detailing these backdoors, Zdziarski makes it clear he is not a 
conspiracy theorist, but does want to know why Apple appears to be deliberately 
compromising the security of the iPhone and opening the door to professional, 
covert data access.
I am not suggesting some grand conspiracy; there are, however, some services 
running in iOS that shouldn?t be there, that were intentionally added by Apple 
as part of the firmware, and that bypass backup encryption while copying more 
of your personal data than ever should come off the phone for the average 
consumer. I think at the very least, this warrants an explanation and 
disclosure to the some 600 million customers out there running iOS devices. At 
the same time, this is NOT a zero day and NOT some widespread security 
emergency. My paranoia level is tweaked, but not going crazy. My hope is that 
Apple will correct the problem. Nothing less, nothing more. I want these 
services off my phone. They don?t belong there.
Zdziarski also notes that he isn't the only one aware of these backdoors. 
Several existing forensic software companies, such as Cellebrite and Elcomsoft, 
are already exploiting them as part of the forensic services they provide to 
law enforcement. 

Consumers who want to limit access to these backdoor services are advised by 
Zdziarski to enable a complex passcode in iOS and use the enterprise Apple 
Configurator application to set Mobile Device Management (MDM) restrictions and 
enable Pair locking which will delete all pairing records. This solution will 
block third-party forensic software, but won't protect the device contents if 
it is sent to Apple for analysis. 

Note: Due to the potentially political nature of this topic, the discussion 
thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum 
members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but 
posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

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