I have a new work which is an experiment in networking people and I need
your contribution if you have a minute to spare.

The work is titled, 'A network of people who attended an exhibition and
contributed to the creation of this work', and showing as part of Out of
Office (http://www.o-u-t-o-f-o-f-f-i-c-e.com/) please interact and visit
the work online.

To do so:

1. Point your browser to the website:  http://www.o-u-t-o-f-o-f-f-i-c-e.com/
2. Scroll down to the fourth image (the image for my works details) and
rollover the image.
3. On the reverse, the image explains that you need to send an email to a
specific email address with your name in the subject line and a line or two
about yourself and your interest in art in the body of the email.  Clicking
the image will open a new email in your default email client.
4. That's it - the work will now be activated for you and you will receive
a reply with details.

Thanks in advance.
Garrett Lynch

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