Re: <nettime> Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy
Re: <nettime> [Networkedlabour] Future Scenarios for a Collaborative
     John Hopkins <>

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Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 09:00:25 -0500
Subject: Re: <nettime> Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy


   > When the changes happen faster than expectations and/or
   > institutions can adjust, the transition can be cataclysmic . . .

   Well put (while noting that Erik is finding support for this
   observation very difficult to find at MIT) . . . !!

   Moreover, to have any useful "expectations," we first need
   to understand how these technologies CHANGE us -- not just how we might
   imagine using them to change the "world."

   "We shape our tools and, thereafter, they shape us" John Culkin (1967)

   Alas, Trotsky and Mandel won't help us much there either (while
   recalling that my presentation, now nearly 20 years ago, at MetaForum
   III was titled "Who are we? What are we becoming?") . . .

   Mark Stahlman

   Jersey City Heights

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Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 04:08:48 -0700
From: John Hopkins <>
Subject: Re: <nettime> [Networkedlabour] Future Scenarios for a Collaborative

>     The fact is, we don't need a "growth wave."
>     Very well said Brian.

Unfortunately, this gets through to precisely no one involved in facilitating 
'The Market,' or, actually, anyone participating in it.

>     But difficult to tell (or sell)  to the masses, though... this is one
>     of the points where creativity is needed to bake new visions...

we don't need any more 'creativity' (as in fecundity!) either -- we need fewer 
people on the planet. lots fewer. including especially (we) the most connected, 
affluent, and consumptive.

Let's hear it for self-annihilation for the good of the species... :-|

Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
grounded on a granite batholith
twitter: @neoscenes

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