Dear Richard

It's impossible to disagree, the only problem is that there are no digital citizenship and digital citizens.
In the end of the day this form of address is more sedative than empowering.
We are computer users. And I don't mean that we should accept it. We should rather insist on it! And fight for the User Rights. The rights to log out (as solid guarantee for constitutional right to privacy), to see the computer, to own data, symmetrical access, full control over the computing that my computer does, to undo, etc (more suggested at

I know that calling yourself a computer user is not that appealing as netizen or digital citizen, but in times of invisible computing User is the best (the last) reminder that there are those who developed the system and those who use it, and that you are dealing with the programmed system first and foremost. The better future and truly human civilization you are anticipating can only be build by those aware/educated about their role, freedoms and duties as users.



On 23.03.2015 04:02, Richard Barbrook wrote:

In the second decade of the 21st century, citizenship is defined not
just by the people being able to choose the political leadership of
their nation through regular elections, but also by the legal protection
of their human rights, such as media freedom, personal privacy, fair
trials and religious toleration.
  The creation
of a Net Bill of Rights codifies the mutually agreed principles for
regulating individuals' on-line activities in the common interest. By
collectively defining a new vision of digital citizenship, this
generation can make its own world-historical contribution towards
building a truly human civilisation. The better future must be
anticipated in the troubled present.  Let's seize this opportunity to
transform our utopian dreams into everyday life!

Richard Barbrook,
8th March 2015,
London, England.

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