Dear all,

please help me out.

I remember seeing a sculpture made out of stacks of differently colored editions of Alvin Toffler´s "Future Shock" in New York around 1990/1993.

In my memory, it was at a Whitney Biennial, and it was either by Cady Noland or Haim Steinbach, then art word big shots under the moniker of "Smart Art" - but apparently my memory does not serve me right, because I cannot find any reference on the net with any of these search words.

That means that either I cannot remember stuff to well, or I used the wrong search terms, or there is stuff that Google does not know about.

In any case, any hint to find this work would be appreciated, as in my mind this might be the first! work! of! post-net art! ever!


Prof. Dr. Tilman Baumgärtel
Twitter:  Tilman Baumgaertel ?@tilmazio

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