> On 30 Aug 2015, at 12:26 pm, Alex Foti <alex.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So anarchists, autonomists, ecologists, queers are right in what they say
> and fight for, but they are also all wrong, because if they don't unite
> neoliberals and fundamentalists will defeat each one by one. We need a new
> intellectual synthesis, a new political philoposophy, a new, less
> intellectual and more popular, way of doing politics.

Strong analysis, Alex. I agreed up to this last point. Coming from the low 
lands where pragmatism rules, the culture here is deeply anti-intellectual. 
It’s main problem is the rejection of debate and reflexion, outlawing 
intellectuals, both from political parties and social movement. The source of 
this is positivism on the one side (specially amongst the Greens who detest any 
form of negativism and critique as not constructive and exclude all these 
voices that are not ‘reasonable’). So do not forget, in many places, more 
intellectual means more popular because it is inclusive of different voices 
that break the New Age consensus that paralyzes us right now.


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