> On Dec 8, 2016, at 06:44 , mp <m...@aktivix.org> wrote:
> The thing about people in such power positions is that they are
> often ignorant - structurally given in the organisational sense well
> explained in Manufacturing Consent - or plainly don't give a toss.
> Arab Spring? Well... what exactly was that?
> Could it have been any of these things?
> http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-arab-spring-made-in-the-usa/5484950

What is with people believing Global Research?  There’s a weird tendency of 
far-left economic doctrine and 
these days, to align with Trump rhetoric.  Scary.


"Donald Trump is no saint. He was born with a silver spoon to a real estate 
developer father. He has enriched himself engaging in high profile real estate 
deals in New York and Atlantic City, and by the very nature of his profession 
as a real estate tycoon owning casinos, he has allegedly been involved in some 
shady deals.  “

That has to be the weakest perfunctory Trump-critique I’ve ever seen. 

With that formality out of the way, the article goes on to buttress every Trump 
ideological scaffold and dismiss every criticism of him that actually makes 
sense.  By the end you’re left feeling that Trump is just what the world needs 
to beat back the military industrial complex.  I can’t wait!  Terrific!   

Don’t worry, the article also says 9/11 was an inside job so it’s even more 
credible still.

And here’s a very very delightful antisemitic text, hey why not link that one 
in your next screed against Hillary Clinton?


"For centuries Jewish ‘wisdom’ was confined to textual exegesis of religious 
dogma – texts full of superstition and social control, as well as blind 
intolerance, and which produced neither reasoned arguments nor contributed to 
scientific and human advancement.
Jewish scholarship of note occurred among thinkers like Spinoza who revolted 
against the Jewish ghetto gatekeepers and rejected Jewish dogma.

Notable scientists emerged in the context of working and studying with non-Jews 
in non-Jewish institutions – the universities and centers of learning in the 
West. The majority of world-renowned Jewish scholars integrated and contributed 
to predominantly non-Jewish (Moslem and Christian) and secular institutions of 
higher learning.

Historically, highly talented individuals of Jewish origin succeeded by 
renouncing the constraints of everyday Jewish life, rabbinical overseers and 
Jewish institutions. Most contemporary prestigious scientists, including the 
frequently cited Nobel Prize winners, have little or nothing to do with 
Judaism! And their contributions have everything to do with the highly secular, 
integrated culture in which they prospered intellectually – despite expressions 
of crude anti-Semitism in the larger society."

Wow MP!  Check your sources!!

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