MIT Media Lab put out an Award for Civil Disobedience. In many ways,
this boggles the mind, but then again, it doesn't.

First reaction of quite some people has been to nominate Aaron Swartz.
While this is an obvious, and warranted, symbolic gesture, it might be
more interesting to take them up for real and nominate, as the
Custodians Online suggested, Alexandra Elbakyan, the founder of Sci-Hub.

If you're not familiar with Sci-Hub, here's a good list of articles
about it.

But I presume most of us are not just familiar with it, but depend on it
to crack the walled gardens of knowledge.


> We are now accepting nominations for the first-ever MIT Media Lab
> Disobedience Award, which carries a $250,000 cash prize, no strings
> attached.
> This award will go to a person or group engaged in what we believe is
> an extraordinary example of disobedience for the benefit of society.
> What does this mean? Societies and institutions lean toward order and
> away from chaos. While necessary for functioning, structure can also
> stifle creativity, flexibility, and productive change–and ultimately,
> society's health and sustainability. This is true from academia, to
> corporations, governments, the sciences, and our local communities.
> With this award, we honor work that impacts society in positive ways,
> and is consistent with a set of key principles. These principles
> include non-violence, creativity, courage, and taking responsibility
> for one’s actions. This disobedience is not limited to specific
> disciplines; examples include scientific research, civil rights,
> freedom of speech, human rights, and the freedom to innovate.

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