Am 16.06.2017 um 00:31 schrieb Florian Cramer:
>    Even the visual structure of imageboard memes is a 1:1 continuation of
>    medieval and Renaissance emblems which consisted of a title (motto)
>    printed on top, an image (pictura) in the middle and a subtitle
>    (subscriptio) at the bottom. When emblems fell out of fashion in the
>    18th century, newspaper caricatures took over their structure. Internet
>    images memes are just the last part of this media history.

"Four thousand years ago the Chimaera can have seemed no more bizarre
than any religious, heraldic, or commercial emblem does today. ...Only
a small part, however, of the huge, disorganized corpus of Greek
mythology, which contains importations from Crete, Egypt, Palestine,
Phrygia, Babylonia, and elsewhere, can properly be classified with
the Chimaera as true myth. True myth may be defined as the reduction
to narrative shorthand of ritual mime performed on public festivals,
and in many cases recorded pictorially on temple walls, vases, seals,
bowls, mirrors, chests, shields, tapestries, and the like. The
Chimaera and her fellow calendar-beasts must have figured prominently
in these dramatic performances which, with their iconographic and oral
records, became the prime authority, or charter, for the religious
institutions of each tribe, clan, or city."

Robert Graves, The Greek Myths, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1955


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