y 2016, artist, researcher and activist, Manu Luksch, travelled to the United 
Arab Emirates (UAE) to conduct  research  on  ‘smart  city’  initiatives  in  
the  region,  and  also  to  interview  renowned  human  rights defender,  
Ahmed  Mansoor.  In  March  2017,  Mansoor  was  re-arrested,  and  on  May  
28th  2017,  he  was sentencedto 10 years’ imprisonment. Organisations like 
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and many others are campaigning for 
his release and #FreeAhmed has become a call online and on the streets in the 
form of graffiti and posters. Meanwhile the UAE has been one of four Gulf 
states, led by Saudi Arabia, who  have  extended  their  authoritarian  
campaign  against  dissidence  beyond  their  borders  to  target  other states 
who they regard as threatening the status quo, in particular the small but very 
wealthy state ofQatar, home  of  the Al-Jazeeranews  network  that  has,  like  
Mansoor,  championed  opposition  movements  in  the Middle-East.  In  this  
context, Surveillance  &  Societydecided  it  was  important  to  publish  this 
 interview almost in full, with only minor edits,as it gives unique insight 
into the personal and professional experience of  a  human  rights  defender  
in  an  authoritarian  state  that  is  at  the  same  time  extremely  
wealthy, technologically advanced and highly integrated into global capitalism
Last year, I travelled to the United Arab Emirates (USE) to conduct research on 
‘smart city’ initiatives in the region, and also to interview renowned human 
rights defender, Ahmed Mansoor. In March 2017, Mansoor was re-arrested, and on 
May 28th 2017, he was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment. Organisations like 
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and many others are campaigning for 
his release and #FreeAhmed has become a call online and on the streets in the 
form of graffiti and posters. 
Meanwhile the UAE has been one of 4 Gulf states, led by Saudi Arabia, who have 
extended their authoritarian campaign against dissidence beyond their borders 
to target other states who they regard as threatening the status quo, in 
particular the small but very wealthy state of Qatar, home of the Al-Jazeera 
news network that has, like Mansoor, championed opposition movements in the 
Middle-East. In this context, Surveillance & Society decided it was important 
to publish this interview almost in full as it gives unique insight into the 
personal and professional experience of a human rights defender in an 
authoritarian state that is at the same time extremely wealthy, technologically 
advanced and highly integrated into global capitalism.



MANU LUKSCH        @ManuLuksch <https://twitter.com/ManuLuksch>
Visiting Fellow, Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London

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