Apologies if this has already been previously speculated or discussed but
during the past month there seems to have been an awful lot of rumours/fake
news circulating suggesting Zuckerberg will run for presidency in 2020
American elections.

recent articles-

   (this article, as pointed out by Christian McCrea on twitter
   <https://twitter.com/christianmccrea/status/903824904914575360>is from
   The observer, owned by Trumps son-in-law Jared Kushner)
   - wired (https://www.wired.com/story/mark-zuckerberg-america-travels/)
   - shows some polling info which perhaps these rumours are based upon -

"Zuckerberg won the support of 69% of voters who said they cast a ballot
for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election and 9% of those who said
they voted for Trump"
This 'poll' was only done with 863 people , and just under half said they
have no opinion about him (

the odds at the bookmakers for Zuckerberg to run as democratic candidate
down to 16/1 (from 25/1) forecasting him at equal odds with Dwayne 'The
Rock' Johnson (
what are peoples thoughts on this, and more importantly* if *there is any
legitimacy in these rumours what is the general response?



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3013 AE Rotterdam <https://osm.org/go/0EtZ6Yd0t?layers=N&m=>

Forget Network - a monthly radio show on Itunes
<https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/forgetnetwork/id1111827614?mt=2> and
Soundcloud <https://soundcloud.com/max-dovey>


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