I absolutely agree with the content, but ... really? I'm not allowed to do a 
flame and
troll the title of this mail? ;P

1 small Example: Catalan independentism is mainly pro european and often no 
They are far to be the same...

El 7/10/17 a las 19:15, Siegel Allan escribió:
> Hello,
> A reasonable appraisal of the situation:
> “The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, will not enter the history books 
> as an enlightened leader. However, when in 2014 he had to decide to allow the 
> Scottish referendum, he used his brain and opened the door for the 
> referendum. It took place on October 14, 2014. Only 45% of the Scots voted 
> for independence. The contrast with the referendum in Catalonia could not be 
> greater. The Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy stupidly decided to use violence to 
> prevent a referendum in Catalonia, despite the fact that a peaceful 
> referendum would most probably have led to a similar outcome as in Read Here: 
> https://www.socialeurope.eu/catalonia-brexit-nationalism”
> Allan
> P   Nyomtatás előtt gondoljunk a természetre! Please consider the environment 
> before printing this email.
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