I read le Monde Diplomatique.
Do you really see these millions of discontent or content people,
pressurize on their heads of states, as them to trigger the general
I do not trust any ability to predict a course of events.
I am Cartesian, scientist, or a digital artist rather-whatever.
I think that some predictions are not related to truth, yet each is a way
on a path to construct something,
its part of another (non-conscious ) process. In a statement, I would
search to know to decipher what social machine,
this statement belongs to. Social Machines are generally not
explicitly  referred to in the statements.
 These Social Machines do not pertain a Sphere of Referenciality. Nobody
knows about them, its not the job of the human mind to reckon' them.
such a social machine: Its existence is something which can be sensed
though, even if it has no name,
appearing to the searcher of 'truth', if that makes any sense.

[The Social Machine can be tiny micro-molecular, or/and more hazy/general
in its relations to other Social Machines.]

Having said this, I don't see if China as a State (not talking about Social
Machines anymore) can have a perspective
to win something out of a war with Nato? I don't follow many news on
internet so I don't know what could Nato win something substancial from
waging a war with China?
Counterpunch is busy trying, not to build a Post-Siriza Internationale
Constituant power, but to feed on, and create ressentment against the
Elites, or (e)lites if ya want,
I am, wondering why Counterpunch does that: 1ยง1) they have an audience, and
decades of book-reviews, which might be what people call 'ideology'. <<- if
this last word makes any sense.
If you go on their website, you can see how typically American, they are,
in their modes of expression, platform of remedies to all illnesses, they
are a bit like in the book
'The Confident-Man' by Herman Melville, this situation of deterritorialized
psyche in a destroyed american big desert, since landing there without
Mammy and Daddy,
having nothing else to do than selling news and advertizing
miracle inducing products.

To build a Post-Siriza, one thing for sure is the Left to close down this
type of platform/ideology out from the (de)construction. Or it's a sham.


2017-10-24 6:07 GMT+02:00 Morlock Elloi <morlockel...@gmail.com>:

> One should be carefully following 19th CPC National Congress. It's more
> relevant than Drudgereport.
> Tl;Dr: that no one will separate China from its components (Taiwan & South
> China Sea island) was mentioned 9 times. The Party will maintain strict
> control of all Chinese politics.
> 1.4 billion Chinese stand behind this (west-funded jokers like Dalai Lama,
> Wei Wei etc. notwithstanding.).
> 0.32 billion Americans stand behind, or against, restroom access for
> feeblegendered.
> 0.51 billion EU citizens stand for, or against, immigration and pensions.
> 0.14 billion Russians stand behind Putin.
> The stage is set for war.
> Guess who is going to win (hint: those willing to die.)
> On 10/23/17, 19:39, Johnatan Petterson wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I don't qualify to answer about ideology.
>> I am an ignorant as to the communist jargon used by counterpunch.
>> I don't even like Kant. It's so confused.
>> But I'd just venture to say that 'the objective conditions' referred to
>> at the end of the article,
>> if they are not there, it seems they can be found on the road forward,
>> obviously, if the Elites in China,
>> for example, are attracted onwards, they are not appealed by Mao. My
>> guess (i only know China by West TV)
>> is that the Institutions, like schools, etc, are still appealed by Mao.
>> If a Post-Siriza, neo Hardt-Negri constituant power emerges, it is from
>> people who can go further onwards,
>> why? because it's the sense of the animal which is Humanity, it's head,
>> or brain, if you want. The Head is Prospective, it searches.
>> I reckon' the belly is important, and I say: it is wrong to think that
>> Archaism and Onwardness contradicts.
>> That might be , the hidden line for a new future to loom up from
>> nothingness: this ignorance from the Elites in China or West,
>> that Archaism, High-Tech, do not contra-dict, and Belly and Nose can
>> re-shuffle for Humanity's benefit.
>> -JohnnyTan
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